November 7 – Authentic Trust (Proverbs 15:8-11)

“Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path; he who hates correction will die.”(Proverbs 15:10)

It is hard for human nature to accept correction. We like to think that we were born in a pristine natural state, corrupted only over time under the influence of a rotten society. We want to be able to say, “This is just the way I am,” and consider it a good enough defense. But wisdom begins when we fear God and understand who He is. So wisdom begins when we acknowledge His intense interest in making things right in our lives.
That requires an immense amount of trust. When a Word from heaven speaks against our natural tendencies, we need a lot of faith to follow it. And God will grant it. He knows that those who are redeemed out of the human rebellion will be a little disoriented. He knows we may get confused over right and wrong. He understands that it takes time for our eyes to adjust to light and for our senses to discern the direction of the wind. So He speaks. In numerous pages, in red letters and black, in many kinds of fellowships, in the intricacies of our hearts, He speaks. We are not children of a silent God.
What are we to do when His voice is stern? Reject it because it confronts us with ourselves? Or follow it because we know where it will lead? One choice leads to death, the other to life. The voice of the Father is firm but loving. Blessed are those who can accept its firmness while discerning its love.

All cultures of all ages have hated God’s correction. Ours is no exception. It takes a move of His Spirit to inspire genuine repentance anywhere in this world. But He has moved often. He does not leave us to our own devices unless we insist on them.
How much do you trust God’s voice? When He calls for a radical life change, can you accept it? When He points out a sin, can you resist being defensive? When He pits you against your culture, can you stand firm? Trust in God’s corrective Word is a powerful thing. It changes hearts and directs lives. It puts us on a straight path into His arms.

“It is in mercy and in measure that God chastises His children.”
-John Trapp-

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