From The Desk Of Pastor Ben
You have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.         (1 Peter 1:23) NIV

This little story was shared with me by a high school teacher. Someone in their class had been cleaning out their attic and found an old suitcase. Inside was a large packet of early 1900s love letters with Norwegian and California postmarks between a couple whose names were Bertha & Henry. The family didn’t recognize the names so they tried to find something about them online, but they hit a wall. The letters had remained tucked away for safe keeping all this time. So, this high school class began to research the letters as treasured artifacts.
Who in the world were Bertha & Henry? Did they marry and have a family? Where was their family now? Each class was like a treasure hunt. The students archived the letters in chronological order. They researched ship manifests. They mapped the towns the letters hailed from. With their bright minds, they poured over the letters. There was a sense of excitement in the air. They were solving a mystery no one had ever solved before. Each letter was a treasure to be dug into. Henry & Bertha’s words were echoing through history.
Letters are powerful messages, connecting hearts across miles, sharing truth, hopes and dreams. Jesus’ words in Scripture are just that — powerful messages to our hearts. Each time we read the Bible, we are unraveling the great mystery of His love for us. With our bright minds pouring over His words, our hearts are linked to His across eternity. His Living Word, a 66 book love letter to humanity, endures forever and is a treasure worth searching out.

Faith Step:     Read John 17:6-26. Jesus’ heart for us is revealed in His prayer to His Father. Hear His enduring words of love echoing through eternity.

(To be continued tomorrow . . .)