Daily Walk Through the New Testament February 9

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 9

Answer the following questions regarding your readings from this past week:

1.) From the readings this week, what have you realized you need to work on?

2.) Real faith that operates with spiritual eyes and an inner spiritual conviction can only occur when we believe God is who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do. What are 3 areas of your life where you can walk by faith and trust God like this?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament February 8

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 8
Read Hebrews 11:1-22
Faith occurs as an inner conviction, and it is not based on what you see, feel, or know. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” God calls us to rely on Him, no on our own understanding. And Paul told believers, “We walk by faith, not by sight.” Do you want to please God? Stop determining the course of your life by what you see or feel.
Faith is believing something is so when it is not so in order for it to be so because God says it is so. Faith is a believer’s 6th sense, and the sense by which God wants His people to live daily. If we just opened our spiritual eyes and took the time to see what He sees, there is no limit to what God would do with us. Great men & women of faith always see more than human eye sees and feel more than the human heart feels. You can become a person of great faith. Choose to walk by faith today!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 7
Read Hebrews 10:11-39
Hebrews 10:19-25 helps us understand how we can hold fast to our confession of faith in Christ: we should continually draw near to Him, confessing Him as our only hope, and consider how we can love & serve others. In faith, we are to come into the presence of God with boldness — not because we are boastful, but because of Jesus’ blood. In faith, we are to “stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” (vs. 24-25).
Jesus loves the church and died for her. He gifted the Spirit to His followers, and He is coming again for us. We must not forsake His blood-bought church. We need to worship with our fellow believers regularly and encourage each other in the faith we share — and even more as we see Christ’s return drawing near. We need to love and serve others in and through the body of Christ. Today, tell Jesus you love Him and His church, and then demonstrate your faith and love in worship and service.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 6
Read Hebrews 9:13-10:10

On the cross, Jesus did what no human could ever do — He resolved the problem of sin and reconciled fallen people with a holy God. He did what was necessary to provide forgiveness of sins when He shed His own blood. He put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. He bore the sins of the world!
He not only made forgiveness possible, but He also provided the only way humans can get to God. Jesus is not one of many paths to God; He is the only path to God.
Jesus died for everyone, and His offering of redemption is for everyone, including you. If you are relying on religion for salvation, remember that your religion is just like the system Jesus replaced. It is dull, insufficient, and obsolete. Jesus died for you to provide you with a relationship with God, not another religious system. Praise Him because His blood makes this possible for you, and put your faith in Him alone!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 5
Read Hebrews 8:7-9:12

The book of Hebrews frequently compares Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross to the Jewish sacrificial system. The old covenant’s system had good intentions, but it was insufficient. That system is now obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). Why? Because Jesus provides something better — something perfect.
The old system required blood — repeated animal sacrifices — for the forgiveness of sins. The people also needed a high priest to go into the Most Holy Place, into the presence of God, to represent them before God. Jesus met the blood requirement for sin, not by offering the blood of goats and calves, but by offering His own blood for the sins of the world (9:12). As a result of this personal sacrifice, those who put their faith in Him no longer need a human priest to represent them before God. Jesus is the Great High Priest who never knew sin personally and came into this world in order to offer this perfect blood sacrifice for our sins.
We can now go to God anywhere, at anytime, about anything — because of the work of Christ and because of our faith in Him. We no longer need a system to take us into the presence of God. We now have a Savior who IS the presence of God! Don’t take this precious gift for granted. The enormous barrier of sin has been removed, and you may draw near to the living God! Speak to Jesus and listen to Him. Thank Him for His grace. Repent. Bring your burdens to Him. Delight in His presence and worship Him!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament February 4

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 4
Read Hebrews 7:11-8:6

Jesus wants us to draw near to Him. His life, death, and resurrection give us a better hope (Hebrews 7:19). It’s a hope that is not only better than what the world could ever give us, but it’s also better than what the old covenant could give us. Jesus is the personal guarantee for us to have this better hope.
One of the great reasons we need to draw near to Jesus is that He lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:25). Our Lord stands in the gap, appealing to the Father on our behalf. This Great High Priest is always praying for us.
Throughout today, and later tonight when you lay your head on your pillow, know with all confidence that Someone is praying for you. He always has your best interests at heart. His name is JESUS. Draw near to Him and thank Him for giving you a better hope and for interceding for you.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament February 3

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 3
Read Hebrews 6:9-7:10

There is no one like Jesus. He existed before anyone or anything else was. He is both the Sun of Righteousness and the Prince of Peace. He never lies. He holds all truth and, at the same time, is truth. He is the resurrection and the life. He is the Light of the World and the Good Shepherd. He is the Lamb of God and the One “seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens” (Hebrews 8:1). Isn’t He amazing? He is absolutely incomparable.
Hebrews 6:19 says He is the anchor of our souls. Just as a boat needs an anchor, we have an anchor in Jesus and the gospel He came to preach. His good news shapes our lives from the moment of conversion to the moment of His Second Coming.
How should we respond to One so incomparable in His power & goodness? We should place all we have and all we are before Him, just as Abraham did. We should honor Jesus by giving Him at least one-tenth of all He has entrusted to us in life — whatever we receive through work or as a gift. We can’t forget that all we have, every good thing, comes from Jesus. Apart from Him, we are nothing and have nothing.
No matter what your life is like today, hold on to the anchor of your soul. He is there for you, even in the darkest moments of life. Run to Him. Run away from everything else. Honor Him with gifts because He is worthy — greater than everything and everyone else! Him Him your best and give Him your all. The greatest gift you can give Jesus is your life. Once Hr receives that from you, He receives everything. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone like Jesus Christ. Hold nothing back.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament February 2

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 2

Answer the following Questions regarding your readings from this past week:

1.) Are there any relationships in your life you need to attempt to reconcile today?

2.) Are you genuinely seeking to live out of the overflow of a love relationship with     God? Are you more focused on doing for God or being with God?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament February 1

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 1
Read Hebrews 4:14-6:8
Imagine traveling to a foreign country and visiting with high-ranking government officials. You’d probably receive instructions on diplomacy & protocol, no doubt leaving you anxious about making a mistake that would create  an international incident! While that kind of an encounter would be an honor & privilege, it would not even compare with standing in the very presence of God, the Creator and Sustainer of all things.
It seems almost unthinkable that we could stand before God, yet Hebrews 4:16 says we can not only approach God, but do so with boldness. The Greek word translated “boldly” means “to speak freely all that one thinks or pleases.” We can go right into God’s presence today and share any hurt, burden, care, problem, situation, or circumstance, and find Him ready to help us. How is this possible? Because we have Someone who made it possible for us, and His name is Jesus.
Give Him thanks, and spend time in the presence of God with confidence today.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament January 31

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
January 31
Read Hebrews 3:7-4:13
God’s greatest desire for you is not obedience, but intimacy, because obedience is the natural overflow of a heart that is in love with Jesus. Whenever we get this out of balance, we fall prey to the bondage of our flesh and miss the freedom of a relationship with God. As we seek Him daily and know Him intimately, He produces the very life of Jesus in us, which is perfectly obedient to the will of the Father.
Clearly, we are to obey God’s voice, but He wants our obedience to flow out of a heart full of love and gratitude for Him. He desires obedience that is the expression of our passion for Him and the manifestation of His very life in us. Then and only then does that obedience result in the divine rest and freedom He so graciously promises.
Evaluate the source of your obedience — may it always flow from a heart that is walking intimately with the Father.