Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 2

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 2 Read Matthew 21:12-32 During Old Testament times, the Jewish place of worship was the temple. When Jesus saw the temple compromised by competing agendas, He did not stand by and allow it to be abused. He conducted a house-cleaning crusade! Since New Testament times, the center of worship has not been a particular place, but the position of our hearts. Christ is to be first in our hearts. Our lives are to reflect our total commitment to Him. If our Lord sees competing or conflicting agendas moving into the center of our hearts, He conducts a house-cleaning crusade on us! When Jesus cleansed the Jewish temple, people experienced discomfort. In the same way, He cleanses the temple of our hearts by creating discomfort in our lives. He wants to remove competing allegiances. Welcome Jesus to cleanse you so you may worship Him in spirit and in truth, and honor Him as Lord over all.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 1

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 1 Read Matthew 20:20-21:11 Jerusalem welcomed Jesus as King on Palm Sunday, and then rejected Him on Good Friday. Why? Because they sought one who would bring them deliverance from the oppressive yoke of Rome. They saw Him as the miracle worker who could deliver them. When it became apparent that Jesus was not as interested in bringing military deliverance as He was eternal salvation, the people rejected Him. Today, so many have made Jesus into a personal ATM that gives them everything they want. Will you allow Him to be King of your life, even if it means sacrifice and submission to His purpose, knowing that He may not remove your temporal oppression?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 30

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 30

Read Matthew 19:27-20:19

Followers of Christ make sacrifices. But the truth is, sacrifices made on earth pale in comparison to the rewards that heaven holds. In Matthew 19:27, Peter pointed out the sacrifices he and the other disciples had made for Jesus, and then he asked, “What shall we have?” Peter was really concerned about being treated fairly. Jesus responded by saying that any sacrifices made on earth will be rewarded in heaven a hundredfold, along with eternal life (vs. 29). That’s a great return!
A kingdom paradox follows His promise: “Many who are first will be last, and the last first” (vs. 30). Jesus explained the paradox by telling a story about a typical workday in which people are hired 5 different times during the day. At pay time, they all receive the same compensation. That doesn’t seem fair at all! Those hired early received the same pay as those hired later in the day. What was Christ teaching? He was illustrating the paradox of grace. The kingdom is all about grace. Those who came to work at the end of the day represent those who become followers of Christ at the end of their lives. Those hired at the beginning of the day represent those who come to Christ early in life. All receive the same gift of eternal life. Will there be rewards in heaven? Certainly! But even a hundredfold reward pales in comparison to the inheritance of eternal life.
Grace is never free or fair. Jesus, the Righteous One, paid for our sin so that we who are unrighteous could receive eternal life. That doesn’t seem fair, and it isn’t.Grace isn’t fair. Justice is fair. God could justly condemn us all to hell, but He instead offers His grace, which Jesus paid for with His blood. Thank God for His grace!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 29

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 29
Read Matthew 19:1-26

Marriage is the first covenant relationship God established between man & woman. It is the foundational relationship of civilization. Since the first union in the garden of Eden, fallen humans have sought to change the priority, nature, and definition of marriage. God’s standard has not changed. Marriage is between one man and one woman. The goal of marriage is a “one flesh” relationship. That means an intimacy of heart, mind, and body.
Marriage is to be honored, upheld. Prized, and protected. If you are married, strive to stay married. If you are divorced, seek reconciliation, if possible. If you are going to get married, resolve to make it a lifetime commitment.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 28

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 28

Answer the following questions concerning the readings this week:

1.)     Life is a precious gift from God. What are you doing with your life and the gifts (time, talents, and treasures) God has given you? Name 3 ways your life blesses others.

2.)     We are not promised tomorrow. If this were your last day on earth, what would you do? From who would you seek forgiveness? With whom would you make things right? With who would you share the love of Jesus?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 26

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 26

Read Matthew 17:14-18:9

A faithful man who preached the gospel for 50 years was once honored by a great gathering of people — the building was packed with hundreds who had been touched by his ministry. Because of his love for Jesus, he had added great value to the lives of others for the cause of Christ. His ministry had helped to mold and shape families, churches, and his community. This faithful man understood that worldly greatness is measured by the riches one attains, but greatness in the kingdom is about how much one gives.
That kind of greatness all begins with humility. James 4:6 says God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Throughout Scripture God calls us to cultivate a humble spirit, telling us not to be driven by selfish ambition or conceit, but to look out for others’ needs and interests and to consider them better than ourselves (Philippians 2:3-4). Aim to have such a heart — it is beautiful in God’s eyes!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 24

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 24

Read Matthew 15:32-16:20

There is a God-sized void in all of our hearts. So many people try to fill that void with drugs, alcohol, sex, adulation from others, or money, but the truth is, only a right relationship with Jesus will fill it. Only He can bring us peace, make us whole, and satisfy that nagging sense of longing.
Matthew 16:15-16 tells us that Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus is still asking this question 2000 years later. Who do you say that He is? If you do not have an answer, do not waste another precious day. Recognize Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Accept Him today and make Him the Lord of your life. The void will be filled, and you will be whole.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 23

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 23

Read Matthew 15:1-31

None of us are living 100% of what we know 100% of the time. That means there are times all of us qualify as hypocrites! We’re all in need of God’s grace, and no matter how many rules of a religion we manage to keep, it’ll never be enough to make us right with God. We cannot get to heaven by doing good works, earning titles or degrees, or keeping rules and regulations. Even going to church can’t get us to heaven. Only our faith in the finished work at Calvary can save us. Jesus is the only Way, so be sure your faith is in Christ alone today!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 22

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 22

Read Matthew 14:13-36

After hearing the devastating news of John the Baptist’s death, Jesus withdrew to a deserted place to be alone with the Father. He also knew the time to go to the cross was drawing near. When He saw the great multitude of people who were following Him to that deserted place, He could have sent them away. Instead, He “was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick” (Matthew 14:14). He told the disciples to give them something to eat, and taking their meager 5 loaves and 2 fish, He provided enough food for everyone, with plenty left over. People in a deserted place, as the disciples called it (vs. 15), were blessed with abundance.
Did you notice that Jesus also fed the disciples as they served the multitude? God wants to minister through you whenever He ministers to you. How many people are in a “deserted place” because they won’t bring what they have — time, talents, and treasures — to Jesus and let Him multiply it?
Remember Jesus’ compassion on the crowd and that He has a heart of love and compassion for you today. And like the disciples, be willing to let God minister through you. Offer whatever you have to the Lord, and He’ll use it to bless others abundantly.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 21

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 21

Answer these questions regarding your readings for this week:

1.)     Jesus said that when we are empty, we are vulnerable to an attack by the Enemy. How will you strive to fill your life with God’s Word and Holy Spirit?

2.)     How will you make an effort to listen to God so that you may obey Him when He calls?