Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 22

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 22 Read Mark 2:23-3:27 In God’s created world, even dirt needs to rest (Exodus 23:10-11). It’s in keeping with His command to keep the Sabbath and devote 1 day out of 7 to rest. But some things never get to rest — and shouldn’t. Obeying God never takes a break. Loving others never takes a vacation. Ministering to others’ needs never takes a hiatus. The Lord of the Sabbath plucked grain and healed a man on the Sabbath, and we are to love our neighbor as ourselves every day of the week! The best way to honor the Sabbath is to follow Jesus’ lead.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 21

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 21 Read Mark 2:1-22 What are the things in life that get you really excited? Maybe it’s breaking 90 on the golf course or going on a romantic getaway with your spouse. Maybe it’s eating warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies or spending time with your grandchildren. May be it’s knowing that God loves you unconditionally and that you are going to heaven. What gets God excited? Mark 2:1-12 tells us of 3 things. First, He loves to see our faith. Jesus was excited to see the paralytic’s friends’ belief that He could heal. He was so moved by their faith that He healed their friend — both spiritually and physically. Second, God gets excited about sharing His forgiveness. Jesus’ favorite thing to say to anyone is, “Your sins are forgiven!” Third, He loves to show His faithfulness. God is always able to heal, to meet our needs, and to reach us with His faithfulness. May we never forget that it cost Him His Son for Him to be faithful to His character and forgive us of our sins. If you are forgiven and know it, get excited!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 20

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 20 Read Mark 1:21-45 Years ago TIME magazine published the results of a survey that asked over 1000 adults about their beliefs regarding prayer and illness. The survey found that 82% of participants believe in the healing power of personal prayer, and 73% believe praying for someone else can help cure that person’s illness. When asked about God’s role in healing, 77% said they believe God sometimes intervenes to cure people who have a serious illness. How would you answer? Scripture tells us that Jesus healed many sick people (Matthew 4:23) and empowered His disciples to do the same Matthew 10:8. It also says God works powerfully through our prayers (James 5:16). Bring your needs to God in prayer with confidence, but also express willingness to submit to His perfect will. Norwegian theologian Ole Hallesby once prayed: “Lord, if it will be to Your glory, heal suddenly; if it will glorify You more, heal gradually; if it will glorify you even more, may Your servant remain sick awhile; and if it will glorify Your Name still more, take him to Yourself in Heaven!” Amen!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 19

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 19 Answer the following questions concerning the readings this week: 1.) The same Jesus who called the disciples to be fishers of men has called us. What are you willing to forsake today to follow the risen Christ? 2.) In what areas of your life do you need to pray as Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane: “Not as I will, but as You will” (Matthew 26:39)?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 18

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 18 Read Matthew 28:11-Mark 1:20 Jesus commissioned His followers to make disciples of all nations. Being mission-minded starts at home. The light that shines the farthest shines the brightest at home. How can you help grow your local church of encourage someone to come closer to Christ? Anything God gives you the authority to do, He will give you the ability to do. He goes before you, behind you, and beside you, so what are you waiting for? Jesus is alive. The Bible is true. Heaven and hell are real. People need what you can give — so give it!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 17

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 17 Read Matthew 27:45-28:10 Jesus cried out to His Father from the cross, asking, “Why?” Have you ever asked God the same question? You can take your questions, concerns, and pain to God. He is big enough to handle anything you bring to Him. God has promised to never leave us, and He wants you to “come boldly to the throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16). Cast your care on Him, because He cares for you! (1 Peter 5:7)

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 16

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 16 Read Matthew 27:20-44 People have to decide for themselves who Jesus is and what they’ll do with Him. They cannot remain neutral. He is either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord. Consider what the people in Matthew 27 did with Jesus. The crowd mocked Him. They thought He should prove He was the Son of God by coming down from the cross, not understanding He would prove it by coming out of the tomb. Pilate made the mistake of listening to public opinion. He wanted to wash his hands of the matter and find an easy way out. Instead of doing the right thing, he did the expedient thing. Two thieves were crucified that day; one rejected Jesus and one repented (Luke 23:42). Everyone will either accept Jesus or reject Him, confess him or deny Him. Those are the only two choices people have. No one can make the decision for you. Put your faith in the truth of Scripture: Jesus is the Son of God, the Redeemer of all humanity, and the King of kings! He was wounded for our transgressions. He endured the cross so we could be forgiven. Repent and confess Him as King of your life. Take up your cross and follow Him.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 15

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 15 Read Matthew 26:69-27:19 Judas was lost and filled with regret. Things had not turned out the way he had planned. He thought he could keep the money and Jesus would go free. It’s so easy for us to think we can sin without facing consequences, but the truth is that sin always kills — relationships, marriages, families, businesses, nations. When Judas faced the consequences of his sin, he was so overcome with shame, he took his own life. Are you overwhelmed by the guilt of your sin? Suicide is not the solution. Repentance is the answer. God wants you to draw near to Him so He can make you right with Him. No matter what you’ve done, He still loves you! Read through Psalm 51 and confess your sins. Ask Him to create in you a clean heart and set you on a new path with Him. Jesus offers you forgiveness and a fresh start today.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 14

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 14 Read Matthew 26:47-68 The betrayal of Judas was one of Jesus’ greatest hurts. Did he know it was coming? Yes. Did He stop the hurt. No. Judas was His friend. They had spent time together. People who are close enough to help us are also close enough to hurt us. All of us know what it’s like to be hurt by a family member or a close friend. When we’re hurting, we must remember what a Friend we Have in Jesus! Jesus has gone before us, and He knows how we feel when we hurt. While relationships do involve the possibility of pain, we shouldn’t keep people at arm’s length. Remember, Jesus called Judas “friend.” We love because God loved us first, and His love is greater than we can comprehend. Jesus leads us to love others sincerely, even when we’ve been betrayed. He asks us to follow Him in choosing not to repay evil for evil and in blessing those who hurt us (Romans12:14, 17). It won’t always be easy, but God will always enable you to obey. He will fill your heart with His love so it can overflow to others. Be willing to allow others to receive Jesus’ love through you.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 13

Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 13 Read Matthew 26:20-46 The last thing Peter expected to do was deny our Lord. When Jesus predicted that he would, he said, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!” (Vs. 35). Before he knew it, he was telling people he didn’t even know Jesus, and weeping bitterly over his unfaithfulness. No one falls suddenly. It happened to Peter in stages: pride, prayerlessness, and peer pressure. Peter could have given in to his discouragement and sadness. He could have given up the faith and turned away from God in shame. Instead, he repented, and God used him mightily! Have you ever experienced anything like Peter did? Remember that failure need not be final. God wants to forgive and use you again. Success is surrendering to God’s will.