Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 28

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 28

Read John 12:1-26

During the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Jews stop to thank God for giving them food from the earth. They thank Him for the wheat and barley that produced the bread. They also pray, “Give us life out of the earth, the grain and the harvest we need in order to live.” At sundown on the day Jesus died on the cross for our sins, the Feast of Unleavened Bread began. As people were praying their prayer of thanks, the Bread of Life was on the cross. Prior to His death, Jesus sad, “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain” John 12:24).
Jesus was killed and planted into the ground, but He would soon rise from the grave, giving life to all those who put their trust in Him and taste His goodness. Let the way you live show that you’ve received the Bread of Life, and give Him thanks!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 27

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 27

Read John 11:28-57

Lazarus was raised from the dead, yet many still refused to see and believe. So it is with Jesus. John spoke of this reality earlier in his Gospel: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:5). No one is as blind as those who refuse to see. Those who do not look at the Son and believe in Him have hearts that are darkened. The light is revealed to them — it’s all around them — but they do not see the One who is the Light.
Today, make choices that will keep you walking in the light with Jesus. And pray that the unbelieving people in your life will no longer walk in darkness, but put their faith in Jesus and have the Light of Life (John 8:12).

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 26

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 26

Read John 10:34-11:27

When God revealed His identity to Moses, He used the words, “I AM,” meaning He is the One who is and always will be. When Moses asked God how he could reassure the Israelites, the people he was seeking to deliver from Egypt, that God had truly sent him, God instructed him to say, “I AM has sent me to you” (Exodus 3:14).
When Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life,” (John 11:25), He was reassuring Martha He was indeed God in the flesh. He was also saying He is the only way to resurrection and eternal life. He is all you need in this life and the next. He is not the “I was” or the “I have been.” He is the present tense “I AM”!
Jesus said, “whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die” (John 11:26). The promise is limited to those who will believe. Today, if you believe in Jesus, the One who is and always will be, praise Him for such a promise — the dead shall live again!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 25

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
August 25

Answer the following questions about your readings this past week…

What does being forgiven mean to you?

2.     What has Jesus done for you?  Write a brief version of your testimony.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 24

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
August 24
Read John 10:1-33

Jesus is our Good Shepherd. Old Testament shepherds pointed to the True Shepherd who was to come. There was Abel the righteous shepherd, Jacob the resourceful shepherd, Moses the returning shepherd, and David the royal shepherd. All of these men were partial types of Jesus, but He is the perfect, authentic Shepherd, in a class by Himself, preeminent above all others.
He is the door of the sheep. It is through Him one finds salvation, security, and a place to rest. He is the Defender of the sheep. He will never leave us or forsake us. He is faithful to His sheep. They know Him, and He knows every one of them by name. He knows all about them — where they live, when they became His, their personalities, and their peculiarities. He is committed to His sheep. He lays down His life for them.
Don’t forget that your Good Shepherd is with you. Take comfort in His loving presence and be encouraged by His powerful promises.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
August 23
Read John 9:13-41

The religious leaders acknowledged Jesus’ miracle of giving sight to a man born blind, but they still refused to believe in Jesus. They were like skeptical folks today who refuse to face the facts about Jesus — that He is Lord and that He saves and gives sight to anyone who will repent and receive Him as their Savior.
The man who had been given sight stuck to his testimony, telling the Pharisees, “He has opened my eyes! . . . If this Man were not from God, He could do nothing” (John 9:30, 33). He experienced Jesus, professed belief in Him as the Son of God, and worshiped Him (vs. 38).
People can deny the Bible, the church, or religion, but they can’t deny your testimony. Tell them what you know! Find someone to reach out to today. Someone will listen.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 22

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 22

Read John 8:42-9:12

In John 8, the Jews slandered and accused our Lord of being a Samaritan with a demon. Jesus denied their accusation and added, “I honor My Father” (vs. 49). What does it mean to honor God? The rest of the chapter gives us 4 answers. First, it means speaking the truth. The world will slander and deceive, but we who honor God will speak the truth in love. Second, it means obeying God. We are called to please Him, not ourselves. Third, it means glorifying God by the way we live. It is not about us; it is all about Him. Fourth, it means honoring God by loving His Son. Jesus said in John 5:23, “He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.” The more we love, follow, and obey Jesus, the more we bring honor to God. And if you love Him, you will want to spend time with Him and talk to Him.
How can you speak truth, obey and glorify God, and express love to Jesus today?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 21

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 21

Read John 8:12-41

Do you have a religion or a relationship? Religion involves working your way to God. But Christ is the only way to the Father, and He came to reveal the Father’s love. It is likely that God’s favorite name for Himself is Father. What does every father want? A family — relationships with those He loves. While God is everyone’s Creator, He’s NOT everyone’s Father. Jesus knows His Father and has an eternal relationship with Him. Do you? To know the Father, you have to know the Son. Come close to the Father through the Son today.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 20

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 20

Read John 7:32-8:11

Are you like the Pharisees who judged and condemned others, forgetting that they themselves were sinners? Or are you like Jesus, compassionate and forgiving? It is easy to be judgmental, but the truth is no one is perfect! All have sinned. All of us need God’s grace and forgiveness.
Jesus saw the hypocrisy of those who wanted to stone the adulterous woman. He forgave her and gave her a second chance, telling her to leave her life of sin. We are not called to overlook or minimize sin; it’s ok to call a sin a sin, just as Jesus did. However, you must also remember what God has done for you and show love and compassion to others.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 19

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 19

Read John 7:1-31

Sadly, people’s memories are often dependent on their wills. Peter spoke of those who “willfully forget” God’s works (2 Peter 3:5). There are thousands of people in the present day who are just as blind as the Jews were. They shut their eyes to the plainest facts and doctrines of Christianity. We point them to Christ, to the Person they need to be saved from their sins, but they do not believe what they do not like. It is a willful ignorance. They refuse to listen, read, contemplate, and seek sincerely for truth. Jeremiah described foolish people as those “who have eyes and see not, and who have ears and hear not” (Jeremiah 5:21).
Sinful people don’t want to hear about their sinfulness. They hated Jesus because He told the truth. They hate Christ’s followers for the same reason. But that does not change the fact that we are called to love our neighbors and to share God’s truth. Be prayerful, asking for opportunities to reach people. Be bold, knowing you can help others be set free by the truth. Be like Jesus. Share the truth in love.