Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 6

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

September 6
Read John 18:19-19:3

Perhaps the most heartbreaking thing about tragic characters is their unfulfilled potential. Such was the case of the Roman procurator named Pilate. This powerful man, who was no doubt trained for leadership in the best of the Roman tradition, found himself incapable of doing what he knew was right as Jesus stood before him. Pilate recognized Jesus was innocent, yet he delivered the Lord to death anyway. Why did he cave in to his own cowardice? We can see 2 major reasons: First, Pilate valued expediency above truth (John 18:38). Second, he feared people more than God (18:40-19:1). Resist the temptation to be pragmatic or popular instead of obeying God.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 5

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
September 5
Read John 17:20-18:18

All 4 Gospels tell about Jesus’ arrest in Gethsemane, but John alone described one extraordinary event that occurred there. The soldiers and religious leaders came to the garden demanding to see Jesus of Nazareth, and as recorded in the original language of the New Testament, Jesus replied with 3 words: “I am He.” Amazingly, these simple words from the Lord’s lips forced the arresting detachment to fall helplessly to the ground. Why? Because His captors were face-to-face with Christ’s majesty and deity, and they could not stand. God’s covenant name, which He revealed to Moses at the burning bush, is “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14). It is this wonderful title that Jesus, the eternal Son of God claimed for Himself in the presence of His enemies.
You can take courage that Jesus, the great I AM, has the power to subdue all the powers of darkness, fear, and spiritual opposition, no matter what your circumstances are!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 4

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
September 4
Read John 16:29-17:19

On the night before Jesus was crucified, the Lord Jesus prayed what has been called the greatest prayer recorded in Scripture. This High Priestly Prayer is one of intercession, as the Lord prayed for Himself and for His current and future disciples.
At the heart of this prayer, we can see several ways that Jesus prayed for His followers. He prayed for our unity, asking the Father that His disciples would be “one” as He and the Father are one (17:11). While the world often tells us we must compromise convictions in order to achieve unity, the Father and Son share a unity based on perfect truth. Our unity should be based on the truth of Jesus and His Word.
Jesus also prayed for our joy, asking for His joy to be fulfilled in us (17:13). The language the Lord used here suggests the beautiful image of a cup being filled to its very brim with spiritual and heavenly bliss. Whatever happens, we can have an overflowing joy through Jesus.
Next, Jesus prayed for our protection “from the evil one” (17:15). The Lord asked not for His followers to be evacuated from the dangers of Satan and his schemes, but rather that the Father would guard us and keep us from harm as we live for Christ.
Finally, Jesus prayed for our holiness. He asked the Father to sanctify His followers through His Word, which is truth (17:17).
Today, you can live with the confidence that Jesus never stops interceding for you in the presence of the Father.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 3

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

September 3

Read John 16:1-28

As Jesus prepared to leave His followers physically, they were filled with despair. However, He promised to give them an even greater resource, His Holy Spirit. In John 16:5-15, Jesus described the ministry of the Holy Spirit in 3 essential ways.
First, the Holy Spirit comforts. Jesus called Him “the Helper” (vs. 7), which comes from a Greek term that means “to comfort or encourage.” Because the Spirit lives in us, He encourages our spiritual lives.
Second, the Spirit convicts (vs. 8). This is the work of the Spirit among those who do not know Christ. He shows lost people the reality of their sin and impending judgment, as well as their need to believe on Jesus.
Third, the Holy Spirit counsels. Jesus promised His disciples that the Spirit would guide them into all truth (vs. 13). The Holy Spirit is working today to help you understand God’s Word and empower you to live for the Lord.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 23

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
September 23
Read Acts 7:42-8:3

Why is it that 2 people can look at the same sight and see different things? Why is it one sees something while the other doesn’t? Stephen saw the truth about Jesus. He knew Jesus was the Christ, sent from god to save us from our sins, the fulfillment to all prophecy and the hope of all humanity. And so he told others the truth about Jesus. But sadly, they did not see. The very truth that frees is also the truth that convicts. Having been exposed by the light of the gospel in Stephen’s message, the religious establishment lashed out. They picked up stones and silenced Stephen, but they did not silence his message.
A religious leader named Saul, who zealously persecuted the church, consented to Stephen’s death. He had not yet seen what Stephen had seen, but that would change in time. A blinding light would knock him off his horse, and his eyes would be opened. You never know who will put their faith in Jesus! The believer’s job is to share the truth. Some will respond in faith and some will not, but the truth is the truth just the same. Share it!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 2

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

September 2

Read John 14:25-15:27

Jesus used a simple analogy to help His followers understand how to flourish spiritually: we must be in union with Him as a branch stays connected to a vine (John 15:1-8). In nature, a disconnected branch will never grow or bear fruit, but a connected branch almost always will. Branches must stay linked to the vine as their source of life. In the same way, believers must abide in Christ to experience His life.
Today, abide in Christ by crying out to Him in prayer, listening to Him speak through Scripture, and obeying Him by faith.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 1

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
September 1

Answer these questions regarding your readings from this past week:

In what practical ways can you die to self or lose your life to serve others in             Jesus’ name.
How is your love for God demonstrated by your actions?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 31

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
August 31
Read John 13:36-14:24

The hearts of the disciples were heavy as Jesus talked about going away. As the room grew silent, Jesus comforted them. He was like a man leaving His fiancée  and promising to return. The bride-to-be was deeply saddened, but Jesus, the loving Bridegroom, spoke to His bride’s heart: “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). He was saying, “I am building a home for us to live in together, and I will come for you.” He also said He would send another Helper, a Comforter. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would come and speak to her heart every day, reminding her of His love and showing her His promises.
As the bride of Christ, treasure Jesus’ words of love, and express love back to Him by doing His will and keeping His commandments.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament August 30

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
August 30
Read John 13:5-35

The nature of any animal dictates the behavior of the animal. Geese fly south, bears hibernate, salmon swim upstream, woodpeckers peck, hogs wallow, dogs bark. What do Christians do? They love. It is the hallmark of a Christian. It is evidence of the new nature in us — a divine nature.
Love is an action word, and Christians ought to be known for their love in action. In John 13, we see love serving, comforting, and reaching out to an enemy. We also see love obeying the will of the Father. Another action of love is giving. “God so loved the world that He gave” His Son (John 3:16). You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. Ministry is giving yourself away, and true love always ministers; that is the divine nature.
By loving others with God’s love, we demonstrate to a lost world what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). How will you make loving others a priority today?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 29

Read John 12:27-13:4

In the Upper Room we see a picture of Jesus’ earthly mission. John 13:4 says that after eating, He “rose from supper,” just as He’d stepped away from His heavenly throne. It says He “laid aside His garments,” just as He’d laid aside His deity. He girded Himself with a towel, just as He’d taken the form of a servant. He poured water in a basin, just as He’d later pour out His blood on the cross. He washed the disciples’ feet, and He washes us from our sins through His finished work at Calvary.
Continue Jesus’ mission by serving others and telling them how He cleanses us from sin.