Daily Walk Through the New Testament
November 18
Read 1 Corinthians 1:1-25

Godless philosophies and worldly traditions have taken many forms throughout the ages. What people consider to be true one year is invariably refuted and rejected the next. But the eternal God and His truth do not change like the philosophies and theories of humans. Malachi 3:6 says, “I am the Lord, I do not change.” Do you know why that is such a powerful statement? Because His attributes do not change. The same God who loved you enough to put His Son on the cross 2000 years ago still loves you with that same love today!
When you are troubled and facing difficulties in life, turn to God. You don’t have to worry about catching God in a bad mood or about whether He will respond to you in anger or disgust. No, the God of love does not change. You can count on Him to be the one constant in your life. You can always rely on His powerful presence. He will help you, heal you, and deliver you through the problems of life. God’s wisdom and strength is beyond human comprehension (1:25)! Only when you come to the end of yourself and turn to God will you experience the power of God to save & deliver you.