Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 9 Read Matthew 24:36-25:13 Jesus gave an indication of what the world will be like in the period before His coming, comparing it to the days of Noah. At that time people were enjoying the normal pursuits of life, unaware of imminent judgment. But then the Flood came and took them all away. It came very suddenly, and the people were unprepared. They lost the best by living for the good! Jesus emphasized the necessity of being ready for His coming by sharing the parables of the faithful and evil servant and the wise and foolish virgins. Today, so many are oblivious to our Lord’s Second Coming. Once He returns, there will be no more time to make things right. God’s Word gives us many clear warnings not to be found unfaithful or unprepared when He returns. Read again Matthew 25:13. Jesus wants us to spend our lives keeping His Word, doing His work, and loving Him and others. He wants us to remain patient, alert, productive, and worshipful as we anticipate His coming. Are you “watching,” living in readiness for Jesus’ return?