Daily Walk Through the New Testament

May 7

Read Matthew 23:23-24:8

No doubt some of Jesus’ listeners were shocked by His words concerning the scribes and the Pharisees. It wasn’t every day they heard their religious leaders called a “brood of vipers” (Matthew 23:33)! In no uncertain terms, Jesus condemned their sinful hearts.
The scribes and Pharisees claimed if they had been in their ancestors’ positions, they would not have rejected and killed God’s prophets (Matthew 23:30). They said this even while they were plotting to kill Jesus! Even in His righteous anger at their self-righteousness, Jesus grieved over their lostness. The Jews had turned Him away, yet He still spoke of His longing to gather and care for them, “as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings” (vs. 37). Sadly, that just hadn’t let Him.
Jesus has the same heart toward you today. He pursues you with His love and longs to pull you close. The Jews were not willing to soften their hearts, repent, and humbly submit themselves to God in obedience. Learn from their example and do just the opposite!