Daily Walk Through the New Testament
May 3
Matthew 21:33-22:14

Both parables in this passage teach us about the kingdom of heaven. The wicked vine dressers teach us that those who reject the Son will be rejected by the Father. The wedding feast teaches us that many are invited into the kingdom, but few will respond to the invitation. The kingdom of heaven is only for those who respond positively to God’s initiative with a repentant, obedient heart.
The religious leaders of Israel were offended by the parable of the vinedressers. They understood Jesus was axing that they had rejected God’s Messiah just as their fathers had rejected the prophets, and that even though they were very religious, they were condemned.
Could this parable relate to the religious people of our day? Could it be that when those who reject a messenger of God who proclaims His truth from His Word, they are really rejecting the One who sent the messenger? Christ teaches that the kingdom of God is not for those who are religious, but for those who are responsive to His truth with a submissive, obedient heart. Seek to have such a heart for Christ today.