Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 21 Read Mark 2:1-22 What are the things in life that get you really excited? Maybe it’s breaking 90 on the golf course or going on a romantic getaway with your spouse. Maybe it’s eating warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies or spending time with your grandchildren. May be it’s knowing that God loves you unconditionally and that you are going to heaven. What gets God excited? Mark 2:1-12 tells us of 3 things. First, He loves to see our faith. Jesus was excited to see the paralytic’s friends’ belief that He could heal. He was so moved by their faith that He healed their friend — both spiritually and physically. Second, God gets excited about sharing His forgiveness. Jesus’ favorite thing to say to anyone is, “Your sins are forgiven!” Third, He loves to show His faithfulness. God is always able to heal, to meet our needs, and to reach us with His faithfulness. May we never forget that it cost Him His Son for Him to be faithful to His character and forgive us of our sins. If you are forgiven and know it, get excited!