Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 20 Read Mark 1:21-45 Years ago TIME magazine published the results of a survey that asked over 1000 adults about their beliefs regarding prayer and illness. The survey found that 82% of participants believe in the healing power of personal prayer, and 73% believe praying for someone else can help cure that person’s illness. When asked about God’s role in healing, 77% said they believe God sometimes intervenes to cure people who have a serious illness. How would you answer? Scripture tells us that Jesus healed many sick people (Matthew 4:23) and empowered His disciples to do the same Matthew 10:8. It also says God works powerfully through our prayers (James 5:16). Bring your needs to God in prayer with confidence, but also express willingness to submit to His perfect will. Norwegian theologian Ole Hallesby once prayed: “Lord, if it will be to Your glory, heal suddenly; if it will glorify You more, heal gradually; if it will glorify you even more, may Your servant remain sick awhile; and if it will glorify Your Name still more, take him to Yourself in Heaven!” Amen!