Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 14 Read Matthew 26:47-68 The betrayal of Judas was one of Jesus’ greatest hurts. Did he know it was coming? Yes. Did He stop the hurt. No. Judas was His friend. They had spent time together. People who are close enough to help us are also close enough to hurt us. All of us know what it’s like to be hurt by a family member or a close friend. When we’re hurting, we must remember what a Friend we Have in Jesus! Jesus has gone before us, and He knows how we feel when we hurt. While relationships do involve the possibility of pain, we shouldn’t keep people at arm’s length. Remember, Jesus called Judas “friend.” We love because God loved us first, and His love is greater than we can comprehend. Jesus leads us to love others sincerely, even when we’ve been betrayed. He asks us to follow Him in choosing not to repay evil for evil and in blessing those who hurt us (Romans12:14, 17). It won’t always be easy, but God will always enable you to obey. He will fill your heart with His love so it can overflow to others. Be willing to allow others to receive Jesus’ love through you.