Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 3
Read Hebrews 6:9-7:10

There is no one like Jesus. He existed before anyone or anything else was. He is both the Sun of Righteousness and the Prince of Peace. He never lies. He holds all truth and, at the same time, is truth. He is the resurrection and the life. He is the Light of the World and the Good Shepherd. He is the Lamb of God and the One “seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens” (Hebrews 8:1). Isn’t He amazing? He is absolutely incomparable.
Hebrews 6:19 says He is the anchor of our souls. Just as a boat needs an anchor, we have an anchor in Jesus and the gospel He came to preach. His good news shapes our lives from the moment of conversion to the moment of His Second Coming.
How should we respond to One so incomparable in His power & goodness? We should place all we have and all we are before Him, just as Abraham did. We should honor Jesus by giving Him at least one-tenth of all He has entrusted to us in life — whatever we receive through work or as a gift. We can’t forget that all we have, every good thing, comes from Jesus. Apart from Him, we are nothing and have nothing.
No matter what your life is like today, hold on to the anchor of your soul. He is there for you, even in the darkest moments of life. Run to Him. Run away from everything else. Honor Him with gifts because He is worthy — greater than everything and everyone else! Him Him your best and give Him your all. The greatest gift you can give Jesus is your life. Once Hr receives that from you, He receives everything. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone like Jesus Christ. Hold nothing back.