November 2 – Identity Gift (Galatians 2:19-20)

“I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.”(Galatians 2:20)

We can scarcely understand the blessing of the life of Jesus within us. We were not holy, but we don’t live anymore; He lives in us. We weren’t able to produce any fruit, but we’re dead branches; He’s the Vine — the whole vine. We couldn’t find a mountain in daylight, but we don’t have to look anymore; He led us straight to God. He fulfilled the Law for us, He paid the price for us, He died our death for us. And now, He is raised to life for us — and in us.
Christ in us: It’s like identity theft from the divine, but freely offered, not stolen. You’ve heard of criminals who steal ID numbers, write checks and apply for credit cards using someone else’s name. We’re as illegitimate in our use of Jesus’ name, except for one act of God: He took our place. We are in Him. We have His name. His ID number is the only one God recognizes, and He has given it to us. We’re in His family. It’s as if God said: “Here’s my Son’s identity. Use it. Live in it. You will never be prosecuted for it. It’s a gift. Mercy says it is yours.”
What a God. What a Savior. What a promise. We were bankrupt, and our credit with God was no good. We owed an un-payable debt to an infinite lender. And instead of making us work it off — which we could never have done — or punishing us for delinquency — which we could never have survived — He forgave it. Cancelled it. Just tore up the certificate, erased our names off of His books, and put the name of His Son in our place. You know that Son, the One with perfect credit and infinite resources. His identity is ours. Our checks will never bounce again, our charges will never be declined.

Have you considered the implications of that? When you pray, you pray with the mouth of Jesus. When you learn, you learn with His mind. When you worship, you worship in His Spirit and in His truth. Consider your inadequacy dead and buried along with the rest of you. Jesus is our sufficiency. He is our life.

“The very essence of Christ’s deliverance is the substitution of Himself for us — His life for ours!” -Horatius Bonar-

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