Rest Areas

Rest Areas
By Pastor Ben

“So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.”            (Genesis 2:3)

Seasoned travelers love the simplicity of rest areas. These stops don’t have the same distractions as regular exits. There is one bathroom, one vending machine, and one area for the dog to take a break.
Unfortunately, it seems like rest stops are hardly ever there when you need them. The same can often be said of us — we’re speeding down the highway of life with nowhere to stop for rest.

In today’s Bible verse, we see God creating the Sabbath day. In Hebrew, Sabbath means “day of rest.” God’s Old Testament people observed Saturday as the Sabbath day. Now, we celebrate the Sabbath primarily on Sunday to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus.
God set aside the Sabbath for rest and worship, but when we move a million miles an hour through the rest of the week, one day of rest is simply not enough. Our Father knows us intimately — He created us. He knows our need for daily rest and meditation in His Word.

I know it’s difficult to stop and rest. Instead of pulling off the highway at a simple rest area, we turn toward the exit for the big city. So much to see, so many places to go. Distractions everywhere! One. Big. Headache!

Have you ever felt like this? A complicated commute means you have to leave home early and miss your morning devotions. You sit down to rest in the evening but feel compelled to keep checking your smartphone. Your thoughts and worries keep you up at night. Then, you spend the next day even more sleep-deprived and unfocused than before.

You can’t rest, on Sunday or any other day, until you entrust your cares to your Heavenly Father, finding your rest in Him:

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.”        (Psalm 37:7)

In your stillness, the Lord will calm your fears and silence your distractions. He will give you wisdom and guidance. You’ll feel the grace and mercy of Jesus flowing into your life.
Take a break, relax, unplug from work, and tune out the world. Jesus has a rest stop waiting for you and it gets great reviews.

Jesus, help me to see and seize the opportunities you give me for rest . . .

Stories From the Road: Part 4

Stories From the Road: Part 4
By Pastor Ben

A long road trip gives you plenty of time to talk to your fellow passengers. You might indulge in surface chat, start a deep conversation, or share a few laughs.

On the other hand, when conversations get a little tense or heated, you can’t just open the car door and walk out & leave. Travel companions are basically stuck together. People shut down. There’s awkward silence and increasing frustration.

Is there someone you’re “stuck” with today? Are you traveling with ungodly co-workers, rude neighbors, or un-grateful children?

Take a few moments today, to consider what God is teaching you in this situation:

What does God want you to see?
Is He telling you to change your route, slow down, or speed on to your destination?
Could this be an opportunity for Christian witness or compassion?

Learning From Our Guide

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or faint hearted.”        (Hebrews 12:1-3)

Unplanned Stops

Unplanned Stops
By Pastor Ben

“When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.”    (Mark 6:34)

No road trip is complete without a few impromptu stops. “World’s Best Ice Cream” shop. Flat tire. Scenic overlook. Turtle family crossing the road. Motion sickness.
There are two kinds of unplanned travel stops: “good” and “not so good.” Usually, it’s easy to categorize each situation. But, sometimes, what you’d expect to see in the “not so good” column surprises you and turns into a positive pit stop.

The apostle Paul spent a lot of time traveling on the road and on the water. Paul’s journey as a servant for Christ started with a very unexpected stop along the road to Damascus. Jesus interrupted Paul’s trip to miraculously change his heart and his mission. Paul went from someone who persecuted Christ’s followers to someone who was persecuted for his faith in Christ. Here is a portion of Paul’s travel log:

“Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea; on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, . . . Through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.”
                                 (2 Corinthians 11:25-27)

How would you like to travel with him? A flat tire doesn’t seem so bad now, does it? Even amidst his unexpected stops, plenty of them in the “not so good” category, Paul continuously encouraged God’s people by reminding them:

“We know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”            (Romans 8:28)

You can plan on your Savior having plans for all of your unplanned situations. He may unexpectedly call on you to encourage a struggling co-worker. He may put an unplanned stop in your family life so that you’ll be able to serve your community. Or He may put  an unplanned stop (like a global pandemic) into your life in general so that you can spend the time with your family that you needed. He may be working good for you, even though you’re struggling to survive an illness.

Embrace the unplanned stops! Jesus Christ is present in every one of them, working for you and through you, for the glory of God.

Gracious God, lead me. Your direction is always best. Show me where to stop and teach me to expect the unexpected . . .

From Oceans to Deserts

From Oceans to Deserts
By Pastor Ben

“For your steadfast love is before  my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness.”
                        (Psalm 26:3)

When traveling coast to coast across the United States, you can’t help but notice drastic changes in the landscape. The deserts of Nevada, the mountains of Colorado, the prairies of Kansas, the Appalachian Trail, the woodlands of Vermont, the tropical essence of Florida — all point to the creativity of our Creator.

As we move through life, we may also encounter drastic changes. We may reach the mountaintops of life with a strong, energized faith. Then, our faith may fall, feeling sea-level low and desert dry. Our faith may seem as consistent as the ocean’s tides or as desolate as a tumbleweed blowing across the prairie.

David, who encountered incredible highs and painful lows in his life of faith, is always raw, open, and honest in his psalms and prayers. Consider a few of his words:

“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”    (Psalm 63:1)

“Consider and answer me, O Lord my God; light up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death.”                                    (Psalm 13:3)

“Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever.”   (Psalm 145:2)

If you’re struggling with what seems like a radically inconsistent faith, remember this: God’s love for you isn’t based on the strength of your faith. Your Heavenly Father sent Jesus to live a perfect life of faith for you, to show unwavering obedience to God, and to follow through on the promise to be your Savior.

Did He do this because you deserve it, because your faith earned it? No! He did it fully knowing that you’re a sinner!

So when you find your faith trapped in Death Valley, rest assured that the Holy Spirit created your faith. He promises to work through God’s Word, with God’s people, and during times of worship to strengthen your faith. Don’t focus on yourself, but focus on the unwavering, perfect love of Jesus Christ. You can find confidence knowing that you are forgiven and covered in His righteousness. Whether you’re reaching the summit or walking the flat land, your are always traveling with a Spirit-created, life-saving faith.

Jesus, be near me on the mountaintops and in the valleys. Lead me to . . .

Amusement Parks

Amusement Parks
By Pastor Ben

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
                            (Proverbs 17:22)

I love Roller Coasters! Everyone has their favorites and their opinions of which one is best. But there is one, statistically speaking, (which I have not ridden) that has to reign supreme; and that is Kingda Ka at Six Flags in New Jersey. The ride launches passengers over 45 stories into the air and reaches a top speed of 128 mph. That has to be a thrill! Even if you don’t like roller coasters, amusement parks are a great destination. You’ll find bumper cars, Ferris wheels, water rides, carnival food and lots of other treats designed to bring joy & laughter to the whole family.

As God’s people were returning home to Israel after 70 years of exile in Babylon, they felt exhilaration, joy, giddiness, and every other happy emotion you can imagine. They laughed as their longed-for dreams came true. They knew the Lord had made their return possible and they were thankful. You can sense their excitement and gratitude in the words of the psalmist:

“When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad.”            (Psalm 126:1-3)

A dream! God had given His people so many blessings that they thought they were dreaming. No grumbling, no weeping. Joy! Laughter! It was like an amusement park vacation that never had to end!

How do you feel these days? As exuberant as God’s people returning to Jerusalem? Like a miserable schmuck stuck inside a whack-a-mole arcade game? Or like you’re riding the highs and lows of a roller coaster?
No matter what ride you’re on, your Savior promises to be with you in it all. In your joy, He rejoices with you and He hears your prayers of thanksgiving. When you’re hurting, He knows your pain and He cries with you. In times of uncertainty, (like in the middle of a global pandemic) He stands strong as your rock and fortress.

Because of Jesus, you can rejoice in the blessings of the Lord no matter what life throws at you. Sing out with all the people of God: “The Lord has done great things for us and we’re thankful!”

God, You are so good to me! Teach me to see the blessings and feel the joy of Jesus in every situation . . .

Roadside Attractions

Roadside Attractions
By Pastor Ben

“For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.”        (1 Corinthians 1:18)

Roadside attractions usually aren’t destinations. They’re simply stopping places along the way to the destination. I’m thinking about one-of-a-kind, larger-than-life oddities like the world’s largest golf tee, knitting needles, ketchup bottle, and ball of twine.

As Jesus and His disciples traveled, Jesus Himself often became a roadside attraction, as it were. People had heard about His teachings and miracles. They wanted to know more. Was He the world’s greatest or the biggest fraud? Was He a one-of-a-kind miracle worker or a roadside sideshow? Was He sent by God or just playing god?
The people who met Jesus in the midst of His travels quickly learned that He was much more than a roadside attraction. Meeting the Son of God changed their daily lives and eternal destinations:

Two blind men cried out to Jesus for healing. He touched their eyes and gave them sight. Their response? They followed Him.    (See Matthew 20:29-34)

Traversing a mountain road, people with all kinds of infirmities went to see Jesus. He healed them all and Scripture tells us the crowd glorified the God of Israel. (See Matthew 15:29-31)

During His ministry, Jesus healed the minds & bodies of several women. They responded in gratitude by helping & serving Jesus & His disciples.   (Luke 8:1-3)

After witnessing Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and the aftermath, a Roman centurion ultimately recognized Him as the Son of God.   (See Matthew 27:54)

Jesus wasn’t a roadside attraction — He was (and still is) THE destination. Yes, His gifts are larger than life. Perhaps they seem unbelievable at times. But you don’t want to make the mistake of driving on by looking for a fancier destination! Go directly to Him for healing, mercy, and forgiveness. He will welcome you with unconditional love and the promise of eternal life.

By living in Jesus, we find the strength to model our lives after His ministry — taking time to care for others, responding to their needs, teaching them eternal truths. Jesus served generously and He calls us to do the same.

Jesus, I am beyond grateful that You saw me on the road to hell and changed my eternal destination . . .

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon
By Pastor Ben

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world
     and those who dwell therein.”        (Psalm 24:1)

If you were planning a road trip to visit the most inspiring, magnificent spots in God’s creation, where would you go? Maybe you’d want to take in the giant sequoias of Yosemite or the geysers of Yellowstone. You might visit Niagara Falls or Mount Rainier. Perhaps you’d stop to see an ocean, or a volcano, or a glacier.
For me, I guess, the Grand Canyon would be pretty high on my list. My wife Torrie has been there and seen it, but I have not and no verbal description or photo can really describe its grandeur. Its size — 277 miles long, 6,000 ft. Deep, 5.45 trillion cubic yards of volume — is simply unbelievable and spectacular!

And yet, I know of an even bigger canyon. It’s the expanse that separates us from our Heavenly Father and the gift of heaven. Our sins have created an immeasurable divide:

“But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.”        (Isaiah 59:2)

Geologists say the Grand Canyon is constantly getting deeper & wider. The same thing happens when we try to earn salvation. It only creates a wider gulf. When we try to impress God with our own holiness, the valleys in our heart only grow deeper. Because we are dead in our sins, relying on our own abilities and good works to bridge the gap is futile! There is only one way out of that canyon and it is JESUS!

We receive forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus Christ, and in Him alone. His sacrificial death on the Cross and resurrection victory three days later have made us friends of God — forever!
The bridge-building, salvation-giving, sin-forgiving Son of God, Jesus Christ, told the world:

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”                        (John 14:6)

So don’t even think about relying on yourself to build a bridge across the cavernous gap of sin! Jesus’ work on the Cross built the bridge, and God graciously invites you to cross it. Go ahead — take in the wonder of it all and run home to your Father.

Jesus, I can hardly describe how thankful I am that Your grace has bridged the gap my sinful life created . . .

Stories From the Road: Part 3

Stories From the Road: Part 3
By Pastor Ben

Use the Images link of an internet search to look up “travel route to the Promised Land.”

The results will show you the route Moses took while leading God’s people from captivity in Egypt to the Promised Land of Canaan.

Once you see the map, you’ll understand why those 40 years are often described as “wandering in the wilderness.” There were plenty of U-turns, recalculation, and lost signals!

The Lord used those years of traveling to teach His people to trust I’m in all areas of their lives and to recognize Him as the one true God.

What has the Lord taught you about trusting Him and acknowledging Him as the one true God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — while you have been traveling through each day of your life?


“I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.”
                                    (Psalm 145:1-4)

GPS Message: Lost Signal

GPS Message: Lost Signal
By Pastor Ben

“When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.”            (Psalm 91:15)

It’s your worst nightmare: While driving in an unfamiliar location, the dreaded “Lost Signal” message appears on your navigation system. The GPS signal is lost and so are you. We men don’t like admitting we’re lost. It kills our confidence and forces us to accept defeat. Instead of reaching out for help, we have an internal debate about how to get back on track:

Did I miss a turn five miles back or was it 25 miles? What about my schedule? I can’t be lost now — we have to get home! I’m going to charge ahead.

It’s tough admitting that you’ve lost your way — and that applies to more than just road trips. We can feel so lost when we’ve been blindsided by unemployment. Or when relationships with family members are contentious. Or when we’re stuck in a rut and seem to be okay with it. Life is often one struggle after another and there are no rest stops in sight.

    Mark 2:1-12 tells of a paralyzed man in Capernaum who could likely relate to our feelings of being lost. Scripture doesn’t say, but he likely spent days (maybe weeks & months & years) lost in his thoughts of despair. He probably believed his future went no further than his cot. But one day, things started looking up as four men lowered him down from a roof into the presence of Jesus.

Jesus was preaching the Word in a home and the place was standing room (and one cot) only. Seeing the faith of the paralyzed man’s friends, Jesus addressed the most important issue in the man’s life. Jesus forgave his sins. Miracle #1.

And then, after Jesus addressed the bullying objections of His own enemies, religious leaders lost in the law, Jesus healed the man. Miracle #2.

Both miracles gave the man a leg to stand on as he walked by faith toward his future. If you find yourself lost in sickness, anxiety, or guilt, remember Jesus’ words:

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”        (Luke 19:10)

Jesus will seek you. He will save you. The miraculous sin-forgiving, life-giving, lost-finder Jesus is yours — today and always!

Jesus, I need your miracles of forgiveness and healing in so many ways . . .

GPS Message: Make a U-Turn

GPS Message: Make a U-Turn
By Pastor Ben

“If we are faithless, he remains faithful — for he cannot deny himself”
                        (2 Timothy 2:13)

Imagine a complicated strip-mall parking lot on a Saturday afternoon. There are cars everywhere. The “to the highway” signs seem to point in different directions. To add to the chaos, your GPS keeps repeating the same message: “Make a U-turn whenever possible.”

Life can be a lot like that crowded, complicated parking lot. Temptations are everywhere — at home, at work, even at church! We turn away from God’s will, ways, and laws. Then, when we make  a self-chosen U-turn, trying to get back on the right route, we end up more confused than before.
That’s because the “U-turn” message isn’t exactly correct. It gives the impression that we do the turning, putting ourselves back on God’s path of righteousness. In reality, the Christ-follower’s prayer should be “You turn me, Holy Spirit.”

The prophet Elijah took his “you-turn-me” message to the Israelites at Mt. Carmel. He knew they had turned away from the one true God and were worshiping the idol-god Baal. Gathering all the prophets of Baal together, Elijah called on the living and active Lord, Yahweh, to show His presence and power while exposing Baal as counterfeit. Elijah prayed:

“Answer me, O Lord, answer me, that this people may know that you, O Lord, are God, and that You have turned their hearts back.”            (1 Kings 18:37)

Elijah knew the people weren’t going to turn back to God on their own. The same is true for us. When we rely on our own ways, our own wisdom, and our own “spirituality,” we end up going nowhere, lost, endlessly turning around in circles. The only thing that can stop the cycle of sin is the Holy Spirit working repentance in our hearts.
When you’re in a mess of sin and feeling disoriented, consider this:

“Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?”                            (Romans 2:4)

God graciously gives us the gift of repentance. Just follow His way and gladly ask, “You-turn me, Lord God, to my ever-present Redeemer, Jesus!”

Direct all of my ways, Lord, so that . . .