Who Do You Say I Am?

Who Do You Say I Am?

The religious leaders again questioned Jesus about breaking their rules. Jesus responded by scolding the leaders, revealing their hypocrisy in elevating their own human traditions above the commands of God. As Jesus’ ministry progressed, his true identity remained a mystery to many people, even to his disciples. Finally, he asked the disciples a critical question.

God’s Story:
The disciples have been with my Son for a couple of years now. They have heard and seen his signs and wonders. They have heard his voice of authority over nature, sickness and even death. And now, their spokesman, Peter, realizes that Jesus is the Messiah. But Peter’s concept of what that means is far from complete. He and the other disciples still have much to learn about my Son’s suffering, rejection and death. And beyond that, they will discover that — following in my Son’s footsteps — each of them will have to take up their own cross.

Read Mark 8:1 – 9:1

Your Story:
The people of Jesus’ time were uncertain of his true identity. When he was a toddler, the Magi had declared him a king, but the common people in Nazareth saw him as just a carpenter. Most people knew he was a great teacher and miracle worker, and some considered him a prophet. Today, people still struggle with who Jesus is: Some think he was a great teacher, a prophet, an exemplary role model or a mentally disturbed fool. Others call him Savior and Lord, the Son of God. It really doesn’t matter what others say. What do YOU say? Who is Jesus to you?

Who Is He?

Who Is He?

God’s Story:
My Son’s ministry continues to baffle both common people and royalty. They love Jesus’ wondrous signs and healing abilities, but they do not understand he has come to give them so much more. Those who are fed bread and fish will be hungry again; those who are healed will eventually die. But Jesus has come to bring eternal life and victory to all those who believe in him.

Read Mark 6: 1-56

Your Story:
The people in Nazareth, Jesus’ hometown, could not comprehend Jesus power and authority, and their unbelief caused Jesus to choose not to perform many miracles there. People are often baffled by a local person who becomes a celebrity because they knew the person as a child, a gawky “tween” or a rebellious teenager. They are stunned by the poise, wisdom and polished presence of this now-unfamiliar person. Is this the same person that knew as a kid? Some may respond in pride, others in resentment. If Jesus had grown up in your neighborhood, how do you think you would have responded to his wisdom, fame and miracles?

Super Powers

Super Powers
God’s Story:
My Son’s authority and power have no limits. Natural forces and the powers of demons are within his control. He exudes healing power, and his touch and voice can call a child back from the dead. His power changes things for the good and reveals the very best of my plans for my people.

Read Mark 5:1-43

Your Story:
The woman in this passage had a dreadful medical condition that caused her to bleed constantly (this bleeding was likely associated with menstruation, which would have made her ritually unclean and would have excluded her socially). She took a great chance in reaching out to touch Jesus’ cloak, because by doing so, she risked making him unclean as well. Yet she took the risk, touched his cloak and was healed. Why? Because she had faith! You too may at some point face (or may have already faced) a problem that makes you fearful and keeps you from reaching out to God. When you face such a situation, remember that God is always there for you, no matter what the problem. Fear can be debilitating, but don’t let it be stronger than your faith.

Powerful Parables

Powerful Parables
God’s Story:
My Son is both human and divine. He walks and talks like an ordinary man, falls asleep when he’s tired, eats when he’s hungry. But he also commands the wind and the waves to be still. He speaks to the people with love and compassion, telling them stories that relate to their lives and teaching them about my kingdom. Unfortunately, only some will hear the stories and understand the true meaning. Only some will embrace the Word, understand it and receive eternal life.

Read Mark 4:1-41

Your Story:
In teaching both his disciples and the crowds, Jesus used parables — stories out of ordinary life that illustrate spiritual or moral truth, sometimes in the form of brief similes, comparisons, analogies or proverbial sayings. He told stories about everyday things, but the stories contained spiritual truth understood by only a few. Re-read the parable of the sower. God sends the Good News — his Word, the seed — to everyone. It is scattered on all people, regardless of race, creed, nationality or location. But there are conditions that affect the acceptance of that seed. Of the 4 categories given, which type of “soil” best represents how you have responded to the Good News?

How Dare He!

How Dare He!
Jesus’ miracles had drawn great crowds. The people were grateful for his healing touch. Jesus’ miracles had shown his divine power and authority. In Capernaum, Jesus stepped it up a notch and did some things that greatly upset the religious leaders (the teachers of the law, who were the Jewish scholars of the day; the Pharisees, who strictly, but often hypocritically, kept the Law of Moses and the unwritten traditions of the elders; and the Herodians, who supported the Roman government and joined in opposing Jesus for fear that he might have an unsettling political influence on people). From then on, the religious leaders watched Jesus closely, for he dared to challenge long-held traditions.

God’s Story:
I have given my Son the authority to perform miracles to give people a glimpse of what it means to live in my kingdom. He also has the authority to forgive people’s sins, the ultimate treasure of my kingdom. The legalists of the synagogue will not easily accept the part about forgiveness. How sad. They do not understand my Son’s ultimate purpose in coming to earth.

Read Mark 2:1 – 3:6

Your Story:
Jesus continued healing the sick, but his actions took on added dimensions: forgiving sins, eating with sinners and tax collectors, not fasting, violating traditions regarding the Sabbath. God had given him the authority to do all these things, yet the religious leaders were throwing a fit. Because they didn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah, they didn’t believe his power was from God. If you had witnessed Jesus’ ministry firsthand, do you think you would have taken it all in stride, or would you have questioned him for so boldly challenging tradition? God’s way still challenges the norm. If you believe in him, then being a part of his kingdom means standing apart from the rest of the world.

Positions in the Kingdom

Positions in the Kingdom
Jesus continued to preach and help those in need. While the religious leaders persisted in testing Jesus and asking for signs, Jesus kept talking to his disciples about the kingdom of heaven. Later, however, a question revealed that they had not grasped many aspects of this new kingdom. Jesus needed to teach them more.

God’s Story:
The disciples still do not get it! They are interested in their own advancement, power and position in my kingdom. Instead, they must think simply, trust implicitly and humbly accept their own lack of power and their dependence on my mercy for entrance into my kingdom.
 Read Matthew 18:1-5

Your Story:
If you’ve ever tried to gain entry into an exclusive club, you know about strict requirements, rules and fees. The kingdom of heaven is the most prestigious club ever! After all, it’s led by the King of kings and Lord of lords. But the Kingdom of God is completely different from any other club you’ve ever known. It turns “normal” upside down. The invitation to become a member is given to everyone, and the kingdom is so easy to get into that even a little child can become a member. Being a member of this kingdom is the opportunity of a lifetime! It’s where you want to be.

Living in the Kingdom of God

Living in the Kingdom of God
God’s Story:
My people will know how to talk to me directly. They will know that in my kingdom there are certain standards. They will come to understand a new way of living that will bring them peace and happiness. My Son will teach them.

Read Matthew 6:1-7:29

Your Story:
Jesus continued the greatest sermon ever in order to teach the people how to live differently than the rest of the world. Jesus’ commands introduced a profound new way of living and looking at life — a way that is just as important for you today as it was for those living during Jesus’ time on earth. The kingdom of God is being established right here, right now. God is with you, and his kingdom is within your reach. Because of him, you can have a new way of looking at poverty, prayer, forgiveness, money and worry. When you submit to the King, you can worry less and live a better life.

The Greatest Sermon Ever

The Greatest Sermon Ever
Jesus’ reputation was spreading. Crowds gathered wherever he went. Everyone wanted to be present to hear his words and witness his miracles. They hoped to hear about how he would restore the kingdom of David. They expected a kingdom on earth with all the splendor of the days of King David and King Solomon. They were surprised to hear only do a kingdom of heaven.

God’s Story:
My kingdom is not of this cursed earth. It was not built, nor is it maintained, by military might. It is a kingdom of peace, justice and mercy. I am a loving and tender king who is always present in my kingdom. My extraordinary home – heaven – is within everyone’s reach, and all are welcome to enjoy its promises and benefits. And just as I am perfect, I call my people to be perfect. Though they cannot fully attain perfection in their life on earth, that is my high standard for them. Why? Because in order for a community to work as I envisioned it before the fall of man, people cannot act out in any sinful or selfish way.

Read Matthew 5:1-48

Your Story:
You cannot live your life without a king. Without being aware of it, you will crown something or someone as ruler in your life: wealth, prestige, status, power, a person such as a hero or rock star or political figure. There is an inherent “something” within you that longs for royalty and someone to follow. Don’t pick an earthly king, because he can’t help you; he will eventually stumble and fall. Pick Jesus Christ as the King of your life. He is the perfect leader and hero. He sets a different standard that exemplifies the perfect life to come, and he guarantees everything will turn out okay.

New Birth

New Birth
God’s Story:
Jesus will preach the good news that it is not what a person does that matters but what I do that makes a difference. My kingdom is open to those who love me, but they will not enter it by any earthly means. No way! My Spirit will come into all those who put their faith in my Son, and he will change each one into a new person. Humans did nothing to accomplish their birth; they can do nothing to accomplish their spiritual re-birth. I love my world so much that I will do all the work to re-claim my creation as my own — even though that means asking my Son to be “lifted up” on the cross.

Read John 3:1-21

Your Story:
Of course you don’t remember your physical birth; no one does. By your mother’s strength you were born; you really had nothing to do with it. You participated a little bit — by breathing. The same is true of spiritual re-birth. God does all the work of re-birth through his grace. His love for you is so great that he sent his Son to give you the free gift of eternal life. In your re-birth, you participate by believing in God and accepting his free gift.

A Miraculous Sign

A Miraculous Sign
Jesus’ ministry was just beginning and he had chosen his first disciples. Jewish weddings were happy occasions; the celebrations associated with them often lasted a week or more. The beverage options were simple: water or wine. The host was expected to have plenty of both on hand — enough to last for the whole feast. Running out of wine would be a major social disgrace. Jesus used the occasion to begin his journey to the cross — where his “hour” would fully come.

God’s Story:
My Son has my authority to perform miraculous signs and wonders. The people will know by what he does that he far exceeds any other teacher or prophet who has ever lived on earth. My glory will be revealed through his miracles and will make his followers believe in him.

Read John 2:1-12

Your Story:
Miracles don’t seem to be as dramatic today as they were during Jesus’ ministry, but they are certainly still happening. God performs them every single day. Look for them. And remember that God uses miracles to demonstrate his power, which can be revealed through many different means. His miracles aren’t always obvious.