Daily Walk Through the New Testament

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 11

Read Mark 13:11-37

Many Christians are so concerned about reigning with Christ in the future in heaven, that they’re not living for Christ in the present. They’re so busy speculating about the 2nd Coming of Jesus that they neglect to tell people about the first time He came. They’re so caught up in trying to decipher and decode certain prophetic passages that they never get around to applying basic Christian principles and virtues.
Jesus doesn’t ask us to crack some mysterious code. He doesn’t want us to spend our days on earth making guesses about the future. He wants us to take the gospel to every nation and to anticipate His 2nd Coming in a watchful, prayerful way (Mark 13:10, 33). He wants us to fulfill the 2 greatest commandments of God — to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, and soul and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
The angels don’t know when Jesus will return. Neither does Jesus Himself. Only the Father does. Honor His will and His wisdom, and be content with knowing what He’s revealed. Don’t get distracted from what’s most important — fulfilling Jesus’ explicit commands — and lovingly encourage others to do the same.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 10

Read Mark 12:32-13:10

As Christians, we probably all agree that greed is not good. But we also probably struggle with greed more than we think we do. It’s possible to give to others and still be greedy. After all, Jesus’ point in Mark 12:43-44 is not about how much we give as much as it is about how much we keep for ourselves. He said the poor widow gave more to the treasury with her 2 mites than the rich who put in a larger quantity of money, “for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood” (vs. 44).
So, let’s be extravagantly generous. Let’s not store up treasures for ourselves; let’s be rich toward God. Let’s give until it hurts. Let’s intentionally and strategically give more of our money away. Let’s give sacrificially.
The only way to become less greedy is to become more generous. Look around you — who has unmet needs? Pray for God’s guidance, and then let the heart of Christ reign in you as you offer what you have to bless others in His name.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 9

Answer the following questions regarding your readings for this week:

1.) Praise is something we can’t do too much. God loves it when we praise Him, especially when life is hard. Are you a fair-weather Christian? Do you only praise Him in the sunshine — and grumble in the storms? Writ down the good things and the bad things going on in your life today and praise Him for it all. He was worthy of praise on Palm Sunday, and He is worthy of praise today!

2.) Many Christians struggle with the love of God. They tend to evaluate God’s love for them based on current circumstances (“If things are going badly, He must not love me.”) Or they feel so guilty over past sins they think there is no way God could really love them. How do your feel about the love of God for you? He loves you beyond words — but do you believe it and act like it?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 8

Read Mark 12:13-31

What a righteous rebuke! Jesus told the religious Sadducees they did not know the Scriptures or the power of God (vs. 24). They who prided themselves in knowing both, were told in no uncertain terms, that they didn’t know squat about either.
God wants us to know His Word and believe He has almighty power to make a difference in our lives. When you read the Bible, remember that it is TRUE — every miracle, story, and promise. You can trust God’s Word and cling to His promises, because it is impossible for Him to lie (Hebrews 6:18).
And what does God’s Word say He wants from you more than anything else? Your love. He wants you to lobe Him with all you have. That is the greatest commandment. And how do you fulfill it? How do you really love God supremely and completely? Contrary to natural tendencies, you don’t do it by gritting your teeth and trying harder. You do it by simply focusing on His love for you. “We love Him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
If you are having trouble with your all-out love for God (as evidenced by disobedience, spiritual compromise, and a loss of passion in your walk with Jesus), do this to remedy the problem: meditate on the cross. See and experience anew and afresh His unfathomable love for you. Regardless of what’s going on in your life today, yo can be certain God loves you because the blood-stained cross of Calvary proves it! He gave His all for you. Will you give your all for Him?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 7

Read Mark 11:15-12:12

Jesus was tough on the religious leaders of His day. He spoke cutting parables against them and disrupted their system of religion. But He treated repentant sinners much differently. Why? Because Jesus hates pride and self-righteousness. May you walk today in humility and in awe of His amazing grace.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 6

Read Mark 10:42-11:14

Do you want to be great? God wants that for you. He wants your life to make a great impact for Him. What are some keys to greatness? One key is humility and having an others-first attitude. The Lord hates pride, but gives grace to those who are humble and serve others.
Another key is having bold faith. Blind Bartimaeus would not keep quiet (Mark 10:48). Jesus was passing by, and Bartimaeus was not going to let the stern mornings of the faithless keep him from encountering the Savior and bringing his needs to Him.
A third key is having a heart of praise. The Lord is worthy of our praise. God loves it when we praise Him for His goodness and grace. If things are going well for you today, praise Him. If things are going badly, praise Him anyway. He is a good God who loves you and will work all things together for your good and His glory.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 5

Read Mark 10:17-41

Money is a wonderful servant but a terrible master. You can’t serve God and money, but that is what the rich young ruler tried to do — and Jesus wouldn’t give him that option.
If we choose to serve any false gods (money, pleasure, power, family, fame, sports) above the one true God, we are trading gold for garbage and eternal glory for passing, momentary pleasures. It is a terrible choice that so many people still make today. The rich young ruler chose his riches over redemption, and now, in hell, he has neither. If we choose Jesus over all else, we will certainly endure hardships on earth, but someday we will enjoy Jesus’ presence and eternal rewards in heaven. Mark it down: it pays to serve Jesus!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 4

Read Mark 9:38-10:16

Sin is not your friend. Compromising with sin is like drinking “a little” poison. Even a little will hurt you and may kill you. By exaggeration, Jesus said sin is so bad and its ultimate effects so terrible (eternal hell) that it is better to perform radical amputation surgery than it is to compromise with sin (Mark 9:43-48). Watch out for the things you allow your eyes to see, the activities you allow your hands to engage in, and the places you allow your feet to go. Be faithful. Every little decision matters!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 3

Read Mark 9:14-37

Humility and faith go hand in hand. It is hard to put your trust in God if you are filled with self-centered ness, self-reliance, and self-importance. Who is the greatest? Jesus, and Jesus alone. All the rest of us are just unworthy slaves who should be crying out in brokenness and humility, “Lord, I am so weak, frail, and prone to fear and faithlessness. I do believe in You and Your power to do miracles in my life, but I need You to help my unbelief.”
The Lord is good, kind, and patient. He opposes the proud, but He gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). He graciously answers us in our time of need, even when our faith is weak. Search your heart today. Is there some pride lurking in the shadows? Do you tend to compare yourself with others and feel puffed up when you sense you are greater? Confess it as a sin. Ask God to make you a person of great humility, thinking not of yourself and your accomplishments, and make you a person of great faith, putting all your confidence in Him because He is able!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 2

Answer the following questions regarding this week’s readings:

1.)     In Mark 6, Jesus was rejected by His hometown. Why is it difficult to be a witness to our closest friends and family? List some ways you can be salt and light as the Lord gives you opportunities.

2.)     In Mark 8, we see the first of 3 statements Jesus made in Mark’s gospel concerning His impending death (Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34). Why were the disciples upset and ashamed? Do you ever feel or act ashamed of your Lord?