Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 17

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

September 17
Read Acts 4:13-37

The great need of the hour is courage to preach the truth at all costs. When Peter and John refused to compromise their message, what was the result of their witness? Men and women glorified God! Today is not the day to keep quiet about the good news of Jesus Christ.
The uniqueness of Jesus is the cause of all Christian martyrdom. It is senseless to die for one faith if another faith will lead you to God. Developing courage to speak of Jesus’ uniqueness does not require more education, but a genuine experience with Jesus that leads us to say, “I cannot help but speak what I have seen and heard.” Mere education never made a timid man bold. Courage only comes from spending time with the living God.
May we never fear those who can kill the body, but solely fear the One who can destroy both body and soul in hell (Matthew 10:28). May God grant us this courage.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 16

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
September 16
Read Acts 3:11-4:12

Peter was the first to preach in Jesus’ name on the day of Pentecost, and he preached twice. While the Holy Spirit set the stage for the fireworks in the first sermon, Peter and John’s healing of a crippled man drew the crowd for his second message. Both times Peter spoke, his subject was the same: people can be saved by grace through faith alone. Jesus is the only way to heaven.
Jesus’ very name means “the Lord is salvation.” An angel of the Lord told Joseph to name Him Jesus, “for He will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).
Because there is salvation in no one else, we must preach Jesus as dying men to dying people. Spread Peter’s message that Jesus Christ is the only hope for the world.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 15

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
September 15

Answer the following questions regarding your reading this past week:

What actions are you taking to be a witness to your neighbors, your region, or a people group?

What stands between you and a Spirit-filled life?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 14

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
September 14
Read Acts 2:29-3:10

There is a key element to Christianity found in Acts 2:38, and many in the church today have lost sight of it. It’s the word repent, and we need to reclaim it. When people turn from sin and pursue God, a wonderful transformation occurs. A perverse generation can be changed and made holy.
When repentance occurs, it is followed by fruit. It strengthens fellowship and brings unity to the body of Christ. When we are repentant, our hearts are full of humility, joy, and sincerity. Generosity abounds and praise rises to the Lord. The lost are drawn to Jesus, and we have exciting opportunities for evangelism.
Search your heart. Is there any rebellion against God there? Don’t let a lack of repentance build barriers in your relationship with Him and keep you from His blessing.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 13

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

September 13
Read Acts 2:1-28

Pentecost ushered in a new era for the church. As believers, each of us is to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. How does this happen?
First, present your body to Christ as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2).
Second, ask for fullness. “Ask, and it will be given to you” (Luke 11:9).
Third, be obedient to Jesus’ commands (Acts 5:32).
Fourth, have faith that God will fill you (Galatians 3:2).
Be faithful in these things, and god will make known to you the ways of life and the fullness of joy.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 12

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

September 12
Read Acts 1:1-26

Acts 1:8 speaks of the power and plan of the Holy Spirit in mission work. As you are filled with the Spirit, you become a witness for the gospel. The geographical outline of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the world suggests we are to be active in each simultaneously — we have neighbors, regions, and people groups to give witness to. The church must have all of these targets on her radar. Begin where you are. Witness today!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 10

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
September 10
Read John 20:11-31

Thomas wanted to see Jesus’ wounds for himself before he would believe Jesus had risen. After 8 days of doubting, he saw Jesus and declared, “My Lord and My God!” (John 20:28). But the Lord calls us to be more trusting of Him. We are to walk not by sight but by faith. We are blessed when we believe without having seen.
Doubt is often born in fear. Maybe you fear rejection or not being loved. Maybe you fear poverty, poor health or death. While suffering is part of life on earth, God is able to meet your needs and carry you through every hardship you’ll ever face. He tells His people not to fear. In a dangerous storm, Jesus told His disciples not to be afraid — He, the Almighty, was with them. Jesus also said, “In Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Fear not! Jesus is alive!
Honor the Lord by trusting His love and power. Build your faith and be led to worship by reading His Word. Find peace in His promises and praise Him with your life.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 9

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
September 9

Read John 19:28-20:10

There are 2 ways people look at salvation. One is a “do plan,” and the other is a “done plan.” Those who select the “do plan” focus on earning God’s favor. The “done plan” is found in today’s reading. On the cross Jesus said, “It is finished!” (John 19:30). The work was done; the salvation was complete. In His death, Jesus atoned for our sin.
We must never fall into thinking we have in any way earned our salvation. Paul stated clearly, “By grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). We’ve received a gift — the best gift imaginable — not because of our “do plan,” but because of Jesus’ work on the cross in God’s “done plan.” The gift reflects the goodness of the Giver, not the worthiness of the recipients.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Christianity. Christians cannot explain the resurrection — but the resurrection certainly explains Christians. It defines us. If Jesus is not risen, we should tear up our Bibles, fire the pastor, and sell the church buildings (1 Corinthians 15:17). If Jesus is risen, we must proclaim it loud and clear — and He is!
Declare the cross as the power of God for salvation. He died for you and saved you! Embrace it. Declare it!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 8

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

September 8

Answer the following questions about your reading this past week:

What areas of your life do you need to adjust in order to abide in Jesus? List any barriers that are keeping you from obedience and fruitfulness as you seek to follow Him.

2. How do you experience the presence and strength of the Holy Spirit in your everyday routine? Where is He leading you? What does He desire to empower you to be and do?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament September 7

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

September 7
Read John 19:4-27

Guilt by association is not just a recent phenomenon. It was a reality in Jesus’ day as well. Lingering close to one who was crucified carried the risk of abuse, ridicule, harassment, and even condemnation and death. But there are times you simply do not leave those you love. So, near the cross of Jesus a small group of 4 women and 1 man remained, bound by love to risk staying by His side.
Today, Jesus calls you to remain near His cross. Will you?