Not a fan. – Day 11

When Sunday School Answers Aren’t Enough

“What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord….I want to know Christ.”
-Philippians 3:8, 10-

Several years ago, I listened as a minister friend of mine described a season in his life when he began to question just about everything he had always known about God. My friend had gone through a particularly difficult experience with one of his children, and it proved to be more than a speed bump in his spiritual journey.
The conversation was more of a monologue than a dialogue. I listened as he vented, and his thought progression was honestly hard to hear. He questioned aloud whether God really worked in all things for good. He struggled, believing that a good God would allow something so terrible to happen. He wondered if God wasn’t so quick to forgive after all, instead thinking that perhaps God was a vengeful and wrathful God, punishing the child for the past sins of the father. He thought perhaps he had been living a lie all along and doubted he could ever be truly secure in his salvation. And then he summed up his thoughts: “I’ve heard all those things my whole life; I guess I just got to the point where all the Sunday School answers weren’t enough.”
I’ll be honest. It was one of those moments when I couldn’t manufacture a great pastoral response. After all, what right answer could I give him that wouldn’t sound trite or rehearsed? What could I tell him that he hadn’t already heard — and even preached — for years? He had grown up in church. He was a third generation minister. By this point in his life, he had spent nearly 20 years teaching biblical truth to many people. But I couldn’t help but wonder — maybe his problem was that he grew up knowing the right answers but never really got to know Jesus.
The apostle Paul knew all the right answers — he was a well-trained Pharisee and teacher of the law. He had the right lineage, preached the right sermons, and lived the right way. He knew the right people and had the right testimony. But he also had the right perspective: All those right answers and actions proved “worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8 NLT).
And he had the right desire: “I want to know Christ” (Philippians 3:10).
By the way, (and this might go without saying), it’s not that the Sunday School answers aren’t true. It’s just that they pale in comparison with knowing the one who said, “I am the truth.”

Following Today
Can you identify with this minister’s doubts? Think of a time in your own life when you questioned beliefs that you had long held to be true. Is it possible you have spent more time learning the right answers than getting to know Jesus? Pray today that Jesus would reveal Himself even more clearly to you as you read His Word.

Not a fan. – Day 10


“Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me.”
-Psalm 142:6-

In October of 2014, my daughter went to the hospital with a kidney stone. Kidney stones are very painful and very common for a lot of people. The situation was not handled properly at the hospital and a couple days later my daughter was back at the hospital in horrible shape. Her kidney stone had become infected and the infection found its way into her blood stream. She went into sepsis and septic shock and very quickly was in a life and death situation with her blood pressure dropping dangerously low at 80/40. We almost lost her several times. She was in the hospital for almost 3 months.
I’m happy to say that she survived and now almost a year & a half later she is pretty much back to normal. We are so thankful she is ok now and for the prayers of a lot of wonderful people on her behalf. But I remember especially my prayers for my daughter. I had never prayed like that before. They were not just prayers, but passionate, anxious, emotion-filled prayers. Prayers of desperation. Prayers through tears.
I’ll never forget the feeling of desperation as I called out to God. Have you ever found yourself in that kind of moment? The time when you had no idea how you would pay the mounting medical bills. The day you came home and found the note from your runaway child. The night your husband stormed out of the house. The appointment where you learned it was cancer. The officer at your door with a bowed head and a tragic report. The silent ultrasound. The joyless marriage. Your first Christmas without that loved one.
Here’s what I hope you’ll realize: In your moments of greatest desperation, you’ll discover that you can depend on Jesus. Desperation leads to dependence. So, run to Him. Cry out to Him. You’ll find a friend who sticks closer than a brother. You’ll experience a peace that surpasses your understanding. You’ll climb into a strong refuge and a safe hiding place. You’ll get to know Him as Immanuel, God with you.” And you’ll learn that He can be depended on when you need Him the most.

Following Today
Read Psalm 88. What words of the psalmist can you identify with? Recall a desperate moment or season in your life. Where did you run for help? Write out several lines of a prayer that begin with this phrase: “Lord, I need You to help me with. . .”

Not a Fan. – Day 9

Glory In Suffering

“We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, character; and character, hope.” -Romans 5:3-4-

Most of us don’t do suffering very well. We skim right over the word in Scripture, having bought into the false idea that once a person becomes a Christian, everything should be smooth sailing from that point on. We’d prefer to think that suffering is for other people.
It’s true that you do see plenty of suffering wherever you go. A simple walk through your neighborhood turns up some: Through an open window, you hear a husband and wife yelling at each other. You find out that your neighbor across the street just got a foreclosure notice. The weedy yard of the elderly couple on the corner tells you that the husband has died and his wife is now in a nursing home. The middle school student constantly on your doorstep has no desire to return to his abusive home.
But when YOU are the one with marital or financial or health problems, suddenly you want to call, “Time out! This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. I’m on God’s team, and He’s supposed to make everything right.” You run to the nearest marital, financial, or health expert so they can supply you with a quick solution. “Dear God, suffering hurts too much!”
Have you picked up your Bible lately? It’s right there in black & white: “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). The point isn’t to elude problems and suffering, but to grow and learn from them. As the apostle Paul came to understand, we can actually “glory” in our sufferings, because they produce an abundant harvest — perseverance, character, and hope.
You are on God’s team, and He is making everything right! Remember that this valley you are walking through is only a shadow, and where there is a shadow, there is a light. So keep on walking. Keep following. Because Jesus, too, knows what it means to suffer. And he is walking right beside you.

Following Today
Read the beautiful and familiar 23rd Psalm. It’s only 6 verses, so read it slowly, more than once, maybe even out loud. As you do, make two distinct lists: In one column, list the verbs that indicate what you do (the word walk will come up, for example). In a second column, list the things that God does. Thank Him for the faithful goodness, comfort, and mercy.

Not a Fan. – Day 8

God Stories Worth Telling

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast.” -Ephesians 2:8-9-

As a pastor, I really get into hearing people’s God stories. Often, it is my privilege to hear somebody’s story first hand in my office, or in the moments immediately following service at our church. Many of the stories are the Christian equivalent of rags to riches: Having been thrown out onto the trash heap of life, a person finds Jesus (or rather Jesus finds the person) and everything changes.
These are the kinds of stories that get retold. The details capture our attention: “I remember the day my husband left me, and I was suddenly a single mom with no job.” “I cried for days after I got the diagnosis.” “Then the stock market crashed and I lost everything.”
The outcomes bring glory to God: “My faith community surrounded me in a way my family never had.” “I never would have guessed how much God would teach me through no the months of chemotherapy and hospital visits.” :I learned firsthand that God will supply every need.”
Maybe you don’t have that kind of dramatic story. The details might seem fairly mundane and ho-hum. You may appreciate it, but other people might not observe much amazing about it. Maybe your story wouldn’t make the cut when the book of incredible testimonies is being compiled. But you still have a story worth telling. You have been saved by grace, through faith.

Following Today
Think about your personal God story. Does it seem revolutionary — or boring? Jot down a chronological outline of it. Try to remember the “mile marker” kind of moments where you put a stake in the ground or turned to go a new direction. Indicate those times when you clearly saw the hand of God at work, providing or guiding.


“Joy is not the absence of problems, but the presence of God.”

The true story is told of the translation of the New Testament from the English into the Eskimo language. Problems arose for the translators when they encountered certain words in English for which there is no corresponding word in the Eskimo language. For example, there is a passage which tells us that the disciples are filled with joy on seeing Jesus. But since there is no word for “joy” in the Eskimo language, the translators had to find another way to express the meaning of the passage. In their research, they discovered that one of the most joyful times for an Eskimo family is when the sled dogs are fed in the evening. The dogs come barking & yelping, running about and wagging their tails furiously, and the children are squealing with delight, and the neighbors too become part of the happy commotion. It is altogether a “joyous” time. Consequently, the translators used that particular event to help them convey the meaning of the Biblical passage. As a result, when the passage was translated back into English, it read: “When the disciples saw Jesus, they wagged their tails.”

Why I can be joyful in spite of circumstances:
*Because God is with me – Isaiah 43:2
*Because God has a plan for me – Psalm 50:15
*Because God will help me – Psalm 43:5

My Time With God

1.) Preparation Time

Focus on the goodness of God. Think about the 3 reasons why you can be joyful in spite of circumstances. Which one of the 3 fills you with the most joy? Which one do you tend to forget? Spend a few minutes and let God’s Joy flood your life, regardless of your situation.

2.) Waiting Time
Zephaniah 3:17 gives us an interesting insight into the character of God when he writes: “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”

Knowing that God takes great delight in you, allow Him to :

Love You.
“God, I feel Your love today, especially in the area of…”

Search You.
“God, you have permission to reveal any wrong motive in my life that might steal away my joy.”

Show You.
“God, You know what potential difficulties I will face today. Prepare my heart for them and give me joy regardless of my situation.”

3.) Confession Time
Every relationship needs joy…not happiness.

Happiness is external. Joy is internal.
Happiness is based on chance. Joy is based on choice.
Happiness is based on circumstance. Joy is based on Christ.

Yet, many Christians seem to be without Joy!

Confess to God areas in which you seem to lack Joy…

4.) Bible Time
We can never pray out of God’s will when we pray God’s Word.

…Read Romans 5:1-11 slowly a couple of times.
…Close your eyes & allow a main truth to surface in your heart.
…Pray the Scripture and allow God to minister to you.

The secret of Joy is PERSPECTIVE!

5.) Meditation Time
After praying the Scripture, meditate on these thoughts:

Joy comes from understanding truth – v. 2
Joy comes from having a hope in the future – v.2
Joy comes from seeing the big picture – vs, 3-5
Joy comes from being accepted – v.9
Joy comes from having peace with God – v.11

6.) Intercession Time – Praying for Others
Begin this time by asking God to give Joy to the people for whom you are about to intercede. Remember, “The Joy of the Lord is our strength.”
Name Request

7.) Petition Time – Praying for Yourself

How to petition God properly:
…Talk to Him about the “little things”
…Be honest with God
…Pray “Thy will be done”

Prayer Requests

8.) Application Time
The smallest obedient act is better than the greatest intention.

Q: What is the main thing God has impressed upon me today?

Q: What am I going to do about it?

Steps to take in my obedience to God:

9.) Faith Time
Faith is our positive response to what God has said. Spend a few moments praying through your eyes of faith. Tell God the positive things you see happening because of His goodness!

10.) Praise & Thanksgiving Time

Praise God by recognizing WHO HE IS!
Thank God by recognizing WHAT HE HAS DONE!

This Week’s Memory Verse – (John 15:11)

This Week’s Time Alone With God

Monday – This Lesson

Tuesday – Read John 15:1-11. What things did Jesus talk about that will give us Joy?

Wednesday – Focus on giving rather than receiving.
Read 2 Peter 1:7

Thursday – Focus on healing rather than hurting.
Read Colossians 3:13 & Romans 5:3-4

Friday – Focus on God’s power rather than your problems.
Read Philippians 4:4

Not a fan. – Day 7

Simple, But Not Easy

“Jesus said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because You say so, I will let down the nets.’ “-Luke 5:4-5-

There’s no reason to think that Simon Peter’s response to Jesus was sarcastic, but you have to wonder if he was thinking, Yeah, right. That carpenter-rabbi thinks he can tell a fisherman how to fish? But what did he have to lose at this point? So, as he squinted in the sunlight glinting off the Sea of Galilee, he flung his soaked net overboard one more time.
I’m not sure where those fish had been hiding all night, but this time they swarmed into his net as soon as it hit the water. Simon Peter had never had such a wasted night, and now he had never hauled in a catch like this, in broad daylight. What Jesus suggested wasn’t difficult or complicated; it just didn’t make any sense. Practically speaking, it seemed like a waste of time. It went against Peter’s extensive experience and intuition. Jesus gave no fresh explanation. His directions weren’t innovative or creative. Yet, Simon Peter simply obeyed.
Sometimes, following Jesus is simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Humble obedience to what God has called us to may be as simple as making a phone call, extending an invitation, or walking across the street. Maybe it carries a greater challenge, like extending forgiveness to someone who has hurt you, or moving to a foreign mission field, or trusting Him by tithing. But when God asks us to do something that seems impractical or inconvenient — maybe especially when it does — it brings abundant reward.
Notice that God will let you voice your objections. So, if that makes you feel better, He’s okay with it. Just remember that the one telling you where to fish is the one who created the fish.

Following Today
Take a few minutes to read the rest of this story from Luke 5. Prayerfully consider something simple, but not necessarily easy, that Jesus is asking of you today as you follow Him. Complete this sentence: “Lord, because you say so, I will. . . “

Not a fan. – Day 6

The New Rabbi

“As Jesus went on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. ‘Follow Me.’ He told him, and Matthew got up and followed Him.” -Matthew 9:9-

Matthew the tax collector used to be Levi the good Jewish boy. It’s likely that he tried to become a disciple of one of the rabbis. Perhaps he was even expected to become a spiritual leader in Israel. But something had definitely gone wrong. Instead of serving the Lord, he decided to serve himself. He turned his back on his own people and became a tax collector for the occupying Roman government. And in those days, there was no such thing as an honest tax collector. They cheated people to line their own pockets. They were religious and social outcasts, ceremonially unclean, and not even allowed into the outer court of the temple.
Matthew could never imagine that God would still want anything to do with him. Then one day, when he was sitting at his tax-collecting booth, a new rabbi came right up to him, extending this simple, life-changing invitation: “Follow Me.”
Jesus may have been a homeless, unconventional rabbi, but He was a rabbi, nonetheless. Rabbis were teachers of God’s Word, and every rabbi had a class of students or disciples. But this was an exclusive group; not just anyone could be a disciple. Disciples had to earn their way into the rabbi’s graces, proving that they possessed an impressive knowledge of Scripture as well as brilliant minds. The rabbi’s reputation depended on accepting only the most highly qualified candidates.
But this wasn’t the way Rabbi Jesus went about getting followers. Instead of followers applying, Jesus invited followers. And in this case, he was inviting the lowest of the low — a tax collector. Someone who was not only a sinner, but who sinned for a living! Someone whose friends were prostitutes, drunkards, and thieves. You know how we know this about Matthew? Because he tells us himself.
These days, people don’t know Matthew as a failure and embarrassment who had sold his soul to the Romans for a lucrative job. We know him as a follower of Jesus who wrote the first book of the New Testament.

Following Today
Have you ever felt disqualified from being accepted by God? How? When did you hear Jesus’ invitation for you to follow Him? What did you leave in order to respond to that invitation?

Not a Fan. – Day 5

The Only Thing On The Menu

“Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’ “-John 6:35-

Sometimes big moments can cause big problems.

*The actor’s mind goes blank at the moment of his big line.
*The singer is forced to mouth “watermelon” as she forgets the words of her song.
*The NBA player air-balls a free throw at a clutch moment.
*The bride can’t stop giggling through the entire ceremony. Or crying. Or some really awkward combination of both.
*The preacher calls the groom by the wrong name. (I may or may not have done this. Twice.)

Maybe you’ve witnessed one of these scenarios. Maybe you’ve found yourself in one.
I was about to have one of these big problems when I was struggling to decide what to preach on Easter Sunday. Big crowd; pressure was mounting. Finally, this thought crossed my mind: I wonder what Jesus preached whenever He had big crowds. How did He handle the big moments.
John 6 tells us of one such occasion. With a little by’s sack lunch of 5 loaves and 2 small fish, Jesus feeds a crowd of more than 5000. He has never been more popular. After dinner, the crowd decides to camp out for the night so they can be with Jesus the next day. But the next morning, when the crowd wakes up hungry and looks around for Jesus, aka their meal ticket, he is nowhere to be found. Starving, the crowd is hoping for an encore performance, but Jesus has decided to shut down the all-you-can-eat buffet. In John 6:26, Jesus says to the crowd: “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed, but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.”
Then Jesus offers the hungry crowd himself. The question is, Would that be enough? Jesus says, I am the bread of life.” Suddenly Jesus is the only thing on the menu. The crowd has to decide if He will satisfy or if they are hungry for something more. Here’s what we read at the end of the chapter: “From this time many of His disciples turned back and no longer followed Him.” (John 6:66.)
You see, it wasn’t the size of the crowd Jesus cared about; it was their level of commitment.

Following Today

In your prayers, what do you usually ask Jesus for? Think of a time when He didn’t answer your prayer the way you had hoped. How did that affect how you felt about Him? Read the rest of the story in John 6. Think of a time when it felt like Jesus was all you had. How did He meet your needs during that time?

Not a fan. – Day 4

Knowledge Versus Intimacy

“I want to know Christ…”-Philippians 3:10-

In the Bible we read about a group of religious leaders known as the Pharisees. The Pharisees knew a lot about God. When someone wanted to play Bible Trivial Pursuit, Godopoly, or Bible Baseball, they were the team to beat. They knew about God, but what we discover is they really didn’t know Him. It’s the difference between knowledge and intimacy.
In Matthew 15:8 Jesus describes the Pharisees this way: “These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.”
That description seems to fit a lot of fans I know. Churches are full of people who go to Bible Studies about Jesus, complete with workbooks and homework. Many preachers refer to their sermons as lessons or lectures, accompanied by outlines where church members can take notes and fill in the blanks. I spent a number of years growing up confusing my knowledge about Jesus for intimacy with Jesus. For example, when I was younger, I could recite all 66 books of the Bible in order from memory (I couldn’t do it now) and not only that but I could say them all in one breath! Don’t try to act like you’re not impressed.
Having knowledge is not the problem. But when you have knowledge without intimacy, you’re not really following Jesus. Like the Pharisees, many people could describe everything they know about Jesus. The truth, though, is that Jesus is not impressed by your knowledge or by your talent. What He really desires is our hearts.

Following Today
Tell Jesus that you want to know Him, not just know about Him. Do some honest self-evaluation: Have you spent more time learning about God than learning to fall in love with Him? Consider reading through the Gospel of John in the next 21 days (just 1 chapter a day), simply focusing on getting to know Jesus.

Not a Fan – Day 3


“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever – the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be with you.” -John 14:16-17-

In the 1950’s, resourceful homeowners began to call themselves do-it-yourselfers. Instead of paying someone to remodel the kitchen or build a new doghouse, they hammered the nails themselves. With good American efficiency, the phrase “do it yourself” soon morphed into “DIY,” and these days we have everything from DIY cheesecake baking to DIY music making. Entire television shows are based on the concept of doing it yourself. There’s even a DIY Network and a DIY magazine. With the help of the Internet, people can draft their own legal documents, appraise their own antiques, and even get a DIY divorce.
This do-it-yourself mentality didn’t start with enterprising Americans, however. It’s really nothing new, going all the way back to the Garden of Eden. “You can do it yourself, Eve. You’re a smart woman.” “You don’t need God, Adam. You can be just like God.” And all of a sudden, DIY became a part of our human DNA.
But, Jesus came to change that. God knew we needed a savior; that we couldn’t save ourselves. We can’t even begin following Jesus by ourselves. Jesus made this clear: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them” (John 6:44). And because we need saving help every day, He sent His Spirit to live in the hearts of His people. We were never meant to follow Jesus simply by trying really hard or striving on our own. The Christian journey isn’t a DIY project.
Don’t buy into the ancient lie. You can’t do it yourself. And here’s the really good news for Jesus followers: You don’t have to.

Following Today
What’s your biggest unsolved problem today, large or small? Describe ways that you have tried to take care of it yourself. Stop to pray a minute. Ask the Holy Spirit (who lives in you) to bring insight and strength.