Daily Walk Through the New Testament

February 11
Read Hebrews 12:7-29

The great theme of the entire letter to the Hebrews is clear in this statement: “Let us go on to perfection” (Hebrews 6:1). That doesn’t mean we will ever arrive at sinlessness in our lives, but it does mean we are called to go on to full maturity in the Lord. We often have to be reminded that God corrects us because He loves us. He wants what is best for our lives! The word “correction” means “the whole training and education of a child.” In other words, it refers to all the discipline and correction that is essential for a child to grow and become what that child is intended to be. When we fail to accept God’s correction and chastisement, we fail to become all that God intends for us to become by His grace. You see, there is the potential in that grace of God to provide us every power, every opportunity, and every strength necessary to grow to maturity in the Lord Jesus.
Paul wrote, “By the grace of god I am what I am” (1 Corinthians 15:10). He was simply saying, “I am saved by the grace of God, and anything my life has become is due to the working of God’s grace in my life.” The whole point of God’s correction in our lives is that we will not fail to become all that grace can make us.
What an honor and privilege it is to be in the family of the Lord Most High. By His grace, let’s be all we can be for Him!