Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 11 Read Matthew 25:41-26:19 In Matthew 26, Jesus’ last days on earth were moving toward a climax. The King was preparing to suffer and die. He explicitly told the disciples he would soon be handed over to be crucified. A beautiful scene unfolded in Simon’s house when a woman (whom we know from John 12:3 was Mary, Lazarus’ sister) poured expensive perfume on Jesus’ head to prepare Him for burial. Meanwhile, the religious leaders plotted to kill Jesus, and Judas agreed to betray Jesus by helping them. Jesus was coming to the end of the long road to the cross. The long road began when He gave up heavenly glory. (Read Philippians 2:6-7) It continued through decades of obedience — resisting temptation and serving others — and the inescapable highs and lows of the human experience — rejoicing and grieving, depending on the day. Jesus must have experienced a wide range of human emotions during His last days on earth — love, hatred, betrayal, rejection. But He remained obedient and kept moving forward in the Father’s plan of redemption. “He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:8). May we also be so committed to obedience in the midst of our emotions and daily praise Jesus Christ for triumphantly completing the long road to the cross!