Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 10 Read Matthew 25:14-40 The parable of the talents illustrates that God’s people are to use the abilities and opportunities He’s given them to do His work. Each man in the parable received an amount of talents that suited him best. No one was overwhelmed. All of them were expected to be faithful and fruitful. Each of us has been blessed with certain abilities and opportunities to be used for God’s kingdom work (Ephesians 4:11-16). It is our privilege, not simply our duty, to serve the Lord and multiply what He has given. In other words, we get to serve our Lord! We get to edify the body of Christ and reach the world with the gospel! Notice that 2 of the 3 men in the parable were commended for utilizing their opportunities in faithful service, while the 3rd wasted his. Jesus’ parable warns us not to waste what we’ve been given and teaches us that as God’s children, we should be watching, witnessing, and working until He returns. What resources has God given you to do His work? How are you using what you’ve been given to be faithful and fruitful?