Daily Walk Through the New Testament
May 4
Matthew 22:15-40

Have you ever heard someone ask a question and thought, “I wish I had asked that?” Perhaps after you heard the answer, you were just grateful someone was insightful enough to ask the question. Regardless of the lawyer’s motive, he asked one of the most important questions ever asked (Matthew 22:36).
We have many questions for God. There are many things we do not understand. Bad things happen. People suffer. We are left with a boatload of questions and few answers. Our questions come from our desire to understand. When we can’t figure it out, we feel empty and confused. But then we hear the one question that ushers in the one answer that disarms us: “What is the greatest commandment? Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. The human response God is looking for most — the one at the top of the list — is love.
When we have a love relationship with Him, we know we can trust Him even when we don’t understand His ways. We know and experience His love. Love trumps all explanations. When people are grieving or suffering, their primary need is not an explanation. Their hearts cry out for compassion — genuine, authentic love. The warm, caring embrace of a friend. The shoulder of a family member to cry on.
The most important thing you need from God is not His explanations, but His love. He loves you. Will you respond to His love by loving Him with all your heart, soul, and mind?