Daily Walk Through the New Testament May 2 Read Matthew 21:12-32 During Old Testament times, the Jewish place of worship was the temple. When Jesus saw the temple compromised by competing agendas, He did not stand by and allow it to be abused. He conducted a house-cleaning crusade! Since New Testament times, the center of worship has not been a particular place, but the position of our hearts. Christ is to be first in our hearts. Our lives are to reflect our total commitment to Him. If our Lord sees competing or conflicting agendas moving into the center of our hearts, He conducts a house-cleaning crusade on us! When Jesus cleansed the Jewish temple, people experienced discomfort. In the same way, He cleanses the temple of our hearts by creating discomfort in our lives. He wants to remove competing allegiances. Welcome Jesus to cleanse you so you may worship Him in spirit and in truth, and honor Him as Lord over all.