Pastor Ben’s Ponderings

“Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”         (Luke 12:15)

Somebody asks, “How much is enough?” Greed says, “Just a little bit more.” In football, the officials will throw a flag for encroachment, indicating that before the snap of the ball, a defensive player illegally crossed the line of scrimmage and made contact with an opponent or had a clear path to the quarterback. Teams are penalized 5 yards for encroachment.

In life, the fallout for illegally crossing the line into territory that isn’t ours is more serious. Greed — encroachment — has ruined too many business deals and relationships, all because somebody wanted more and more. In football, a team loses 5 yards, but in life we can never go back and erase what was lost because of greed.

The sin of greed is not saved for those who have a lot. Just as there are generous rich people and generous people who don’t have much, there are also greedy rich people and greedy people who don’t have much, because greed doesn’t depend on how much we do or do not have. Greed is born in the heart. It is never content and believes the lie that “one more deal” or “one more million” will finally satisfy.

Someone once said, “In business deals, it’s never good when one side walks away with all the marbles.” In other words, “When everybody wins, everybody wins.” Greed wants to come out on top at all costs. But the reality we all face eventually is that only the Giver of Life comes out on top. When He is the center of our joy, things like money, victory, and possessions can no longer take center stage. There just isn’t enough room in our lives for both Him and greed.

It is such a human instinct to seek just a little bit more. God, help me resist the encroachment mentality and seek more of YOU instead.