Checklist #1: Necessities
By Pastor Ben

“For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ
 and him crucified.”        (1 Corinthians 2:2)

When planning a road trip, you’re likely going to make some lists — in your mind or on a piece of paper. The most important and obvious checklist pertains to basic necessities. Do you have enough money, a clear schedule, and a reliable vehicle?
Many of us write checklists to organize our daily lives too. For instance:

* Make dentist appointment.
* Buy snacks for kid’s soccer team.
* Help dad move refrigerator.

Sound familiar? The necessities of everyday life can feel boring, like drudgery. Has your list ever looked like this?

* Make a 2 AM run to the drugstore because the kids need cough syrup.
* Forgo a Saturday afternoon of football because the in-laws need help painting.
* Teach your spouse how to operate the home security system for the 50th time!

It’s easy to get fed up with life’s necessary chores, but that’s only when you forget who’s in charge of the checklist:

“My God will supply every need . . . According to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”                (Philippians 4:19)

In Jesus and in Him alone, God provides everything you need. In fact, Jesus Himself is the list! Saves you from sin — check. Loves you even when you don’t deserve it — check. Invites you to eternal life with Him — check.

When you entrust your checklist to God, you see it through the lens of the Cross and the drudgery disappears. Cleaning up after a sick kid? Jesus has been there — He washed feet! Have to help the in-laws again? God grants you patience as you deal with all their requests. Your spouse getting on your last nerve? Jesus offers you unlimited forgiveness and that makes it possible for you to forgive them 1,000,000 times over.

You see, no matter what’s on your checklist, God is at work in all of it. He’s working through your words and actions to show the true Light of His love to this world. Even the most mundane tasks might just be God’s way of leading others to faith in Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, you’re all I need. Remind me that you meet all my needs in Christ crucified . . .