Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 6
Read Hebrews 9:13-10:10

On the cross, Jesus did what no human could ever do — He resolved the problem of sin and reconciled fallen people with a holy God. He did what was necessary to provide forgiveness of sins when He shed His own blood. He put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. He bore the sins of the world!
He not only made forgiveness possible, but He also provided the only way humans can get to God. Jesus is not one of many paths to God; He is the only path to God.
Jesus died for everyone, and His offering of redemption is for everyone, including you. If you are relying on religion for salvation, remember that your religion is just like the system Jesus replaced. It is dull, insufficient, and obsolete. Jesus died for you to provide you with a relationship with God, not another religious system. Praise Him because His blood makes this possible for you, and put your faith in Him alone!