Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 5
Read Hebrews 8:7-9:12

The book of Hebrews frequently compares Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross to the Jewish sacrificial system. The old covenant’s system had good intentions, but it was insufficient. That system is now obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). Why? Because Jesus provides something better — something perfect.
The old system required blood — repeated animal sacrifices — for the forgiveness of sins. The people also needed a high priest to go into the Most Holy Place, into the presence of God, to represent them before God. Jesus met the blood requirement for sin, not by offering the blood of goats and calves, but by offering His own blood for the sins of the world (9:12). As a result of this personal sacrifice, those who put their faith in Him no longer need a human priest to represent them before God. Jesus is the Great High Priest who never knew sin personally and came into this world in order to offer this perfect blood sacrifice for our sins.
We can now go to God anywhere, at anytime, about anything — because of the work of Christ and because of our faith in Him. We no longer need a system to take us into the presence of God. We now have a Savior who IS the presence of God! Don’t take this precious gift for granted. The enormous barrier of sin has been removed, and you may draw near to the living God! Speak to Jesus and listen to Him. Thank Him for His grace. Repent. Bring your burdens to Him. Delight in His presence and worship Him!