Pastor Ben’s Ponderings

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.”     (John 1:1)

Words are like seeds. They grow where they’re planted. Some fall on hard places and die. Some the birds eat. Some words, just like seeds, find fertile soil — and grow. What I write here and you read here are the fallible words. In a year or two I may not totally agree with what I write here. I say totally agree because there are things I said years ago that I wouldn’t say today. The Jesus I came to know as a child is the same Jesus I know today, but the revelation of Him has been expanded. He hasn’t;t changed, but what I know about Him has. He’s a lot nicer & better than they ever told me He was. In the words of my grandpa, “He’s a whole lot gooder!”

Look at the text of your Bible. Those words and paragraphs with little numbers next to them. They’re just words. The words that I write here are commentary on those words and very fallible. But John 1:1 explains that Jesus is the Word of God. We call the Bible the Word of God, but it really isn’t. Jesus is! Jesus is the perfect picture of the Father. As you read the Bible, try to read it through the lens of Jesus. Let Him speak to your heart. Look for Him on every page. He’s there.

If you study the Bible, read the Bible, memorize the Bible, and never meet its Author, you’ve missed the whole point. If the Bible doesn’t lay you in the lap of Jesus, you’ve missed the boat. Jesus is the Word of God!